Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I hate reflux!

Poor Ethan has been suffering with acid reflux since he was born and it doesn't seem to be getting any better.  We recently saw an ear, nose and throat specialist and he was very concerned about the flaming red color of Ethan's vocal chords and the amount of puss and fluids he was refluxing and then aspirating.  The aspirating of the fluids is what is causing his seemingly constant cough.  This extreme reflux is actually what caused the croup and his ICU stay (now I feel bad becaues I blamed a little boy at daycare hehe, oh well, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time!). 

Today, we got a call from our pediatrician and he said that we have a few options on how we want to handle this ongoing issue.  Jeremy and I will research the drug that he suggested for Ethan and give him a call next week.  Until then, he gave Ethan (yet another, ugh) round of a strong antibiotic because of the infection that is causing the puss which he is aspirating.

One good thing is that Ethan is rarely upset and cranky due to the reflux.  He is so happy and sweet and active and loveable and I don't want him to feel bad ever!  We are praying that he outgrows this illness before it starts to cause him serious pain.   


  1. He's such a trooper :) As parents, you both have handled this very well from the very beginning. I know it's been hard at times. I'm so proud of you guys!

  2. Poor baby! And poor Mommy and Daddy! Call me if I can do anything- Love you guys!!!! XOXOXOXOXO
