Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pics From New Camera

Cheryl and Norm gave us a new camera for Christmas (which takes amazing pictures) and I have been lazy and haven't taken any pictures off the camera yet! Enjoy the many random shots!

Memphis Botanic Gardens

We had such an awesome day today! There is a section of the Memphis Botanic Garden that is new and totally devoted to kids. It is called "My Big Backyard" and it is so pretty, clean, neat, and fun. Krisha and I went there together and we met another friend of mine, Leigh. Leigh's son Isaac looked at Krisha's daughter Reagan and asked if she was real. I guess because she is so little! I'm not posting the pic of Reagan because it was not flattering and she is way cuter than that. Mom, before you even say it, I know that Ethan has his pacifier a lot in pics lately but it really helped him when he was sick! I try and remember to pull it out for pics though. :)

Messy Baby

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday 2/18/2011

This morning Ethan had yet another doctor appointment and it went very well! I am so sick of going to the office and I hope that we don't have to go again for a long long long time. Our pediatrician said Ethan was still wheezing and had a lot of mucus in his lungs but he sounded much better. His fever appears to be gone for good so it seems like we are in the clear when it comes to the flu. He is acting like he feels so much better and Jeremy and I couldn't be happier. At the moment, he is sleeping soundly in his crib and it feels so good to know that he is almost back to normal. I was really concerned when the ER doctor came back from viewing his chest x-ray, and told us that he almost certainly had a type of pneumonia. At that point, we had already been dealing with a a baby with a raging fever for days so to add pneumonia on top of that was quite a morale killer.
We had an awesome day today! After the appointment, we went driving around as a family and looked at all kinds of houses (this is a hobby of mine, I love driving around looking at real estate), ate lunch together, napped, went for a walk as a family (we let Zoey and Parker run around off leash in the field behind our development and they had sooooooooo much fun), and then when Krisha got home from work, Ethan and I went on another walk to the park with her and Reagan! Did I mention it was 73 degrees?
My Dad and Patty has started their annual road trip and are in upstate New York right now. They have a few more stops to make before they make it to our house so they should be here by Thursday or Friday. I can't wait to show them all the new things that Ethan does now! He takes a bath in the big boy tub, eats solids, laughs all the time now, and sits up on his own pretty regularly. It is gonna be fun!
Here is a quick pic from our walk today, sorry is it so small....don't feel like messing with computer stuff right now....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feeling better

Ethan is doing better today. Poor little guy has no voice left at all so he's even more pathetic when he cries. I can't wait until he is 100%! He is so much fun when he's healthy!
I hate missing work, especially since my sub today just called me and said that two 6th grade boys got into a fight. My 6th graders NEVER cause trouble and it really bothers me that 1. the sub called to tell me (like I want to know that when I'm home with my sick
baby!) and 2. it cements the idea that I have that when I am not at work, things come unglued. Yes I worry about my son's health and know that I am meant to be home with him but I also worry about my 120 band students that I have at school. I worry that my room will be damaged, that they will fight, that they are losing precious learning time, that I am letting them down, etc. Tomorrow I am worried because every Friday I have advanced band after school and I worry that a student will use that hour after school to say they are with me in advanced band when they are really off causing trouble or getting pregnant (it happened last year to another teacher). I want to be the best mom and teacher but it is impossible to be the best at both and obviously I choose being a mom over my career. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sick Baby

Ethan has viral pneumonia and it sucks. I don't have time to give you all the details but lots of hugs and silliness makes him feel better! I know that he's not the first baby to get pneumonia but he's the first of MY babies to get it and that is all that matters.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Family Walk

Yay I posted a movie! Fun afternoon with the whole crew.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let it Snow

Monday we had a half day, Wednesday was a half day, and Thursday was a snow day. People are predicting that tomorrow will be a snow day as well! My goodness!! Jeremy said the roads were really bad today. Like, the worst he's ever driven in because there was no sand or salt laid down. We got about 4 inches of snow, which is a TON for Memphis. In total we have had 4 snow days and 2 half days, which is fun but also means that the school year will go on forever. Oh well! Not gonna stress about stuff I can't change.
Thanks Gram and Gramp Lapointe for Ethan's Valentine's present :). Super cute outfit!
So I got my computer back, only to find out that $270 and a month had been completely wasted. I get FURIOUS when someone wastes my time and my money and these guys got the wrath of Emily. So, my computer is back there now and I am going to make their lives miserable until I get it back and get a refund for the terrible work they have done. Don't mess with me!
I've been slacking with the videos lately because of all the computer issues. Frustrating.
Ethan is doing well as usual! He is sitting up more and more often and for longer periods of time. Still no teeth or crawling, and I am not worried in the least because he will when he is ready :).
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone if I don't post before then!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Weekend*

*Weekend includes doctors visits and baby with pinkeye. Additional charges may apply. The term 'weekend' does not include sleeping in and a leisurely morning.