Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let it Snow

Monday we had a half day, Wednesday was a half day, and Thursday was a snow day. People are predicting that tomorrow will be a snow day as well! My goodness!! Jeremy said the roads were really bad today. Like, the worst he's ever driven in because there was no sand or salt laid down. We got about 4 inches of snow, which is a TON for Memphis. In total we have had 4 snow days and 2 half days, which is fun but also means that the school year will go on forever. Oh well! Not gonna stress about stuff I can't change.
Thanks Gram and Gramp Lapointe for Ethan's Valentine's present :). Super cute outfit!
So I got my computer back, only to find out that $270 and a month had been completely wasted. I get FURIOUS when someone wastes my time and my money and these guys got the wrath of Emily. So, my computer is back there now and I am going to make their lives miserable until I get it back and get a refund for the terrible work they have done. Don't mess with me!
I've been slacking with the videos lately because of all the computer issues. Frustrating.
Ethan is doing well as usual! He is sitting up more and more often and for longer periods of time. Still no teeth or crawling, and I am not worried in the least because he will when he is ready :).
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone if I don't post before then!

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