Saturday, May 29, 2010

After Dinner Date Photo Shoot

Fun with camera! I am taking every one's advice and I have started a whole folder of pictures from pregnancy.
I had a great time tonight with Jeremy. We went out to dinner at RP Tracks with Andrew and Krisha. I took the time to do my hair and dress up a little bit. Good conversation and great weather to be out and about!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Ethan is so active in the evenings. Often times, I don't feel his movement much all day long (if at all) but starting around 5 or 6.....he comes alive! It feels like an internal earthquake. Jeremy can see him moving from the outside which is just flat out weird. I know I think it should be a wonderful aspect of pregnancy, but come on people, you have to admit that it is a little scary movie like to see someones swollen abdomen pulsating.

Had a great day today. I had to go to school to start work on inventory and final room cleaning/organizing and I got almost all of it done. The worst part is keying in all the info for each instrument.....a mindless, time-consuming chore BUT so worth it in the end. I had four students working for me (because it is really tough to carry a baritone saxophone x 8 across my room and lift them into the storage closet. Lord knows I can't leave anything near the ground for fear of more flooding!) and I paid them all a small amount and took them to lunch at Brother Juniper's. They loved the food and Jonathan gave me a nice discount :). I'm trying to train my 6th graders on the joys of inventory so hopefully they can do the bulk of it in the years to come. At a minimum, they will learn to appreciate the work that goes into band education. Going to take the weekend off (since the building will be closed) and get back to work on Wednesday. I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday and Monday is a holiday so Wednesday is the earliest day that I can finish up with school! Once I leave there, I will be leaving behind my career until mid September. Well, I know that is not true because I assume I will be in and out to fill in the holes, answer questions, etc.

"What to Expect When You're Expecting" lists frequent urination as a common complaint of women in their 3rd trimester. Is getting up four times every night considered FREQUENT? I consider that FREAKISH and a trend that will hopefully stop. Ethan thinks it is so funny to push on my bladder as soon as I lay back down. He has his father's sense of humor (and mine I guess, but it isn't funny since the joke is at the expense of me).

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jeremy and Emily: Future Parents

Bad picture or Jeremy and my face is shiny but you get the idea :). I couldn't rotate it either, because I'm lazy.

Mixed Feelings

Today was the kids last day of school and I find myself left with mixed feelings. On one hand, I'm glad for the time off, as there have been many stressful days this school year, but on the other hand I find myself anxious and confused over what I am supposed to do. I thrive on a schedule and routine and this change is stressful.

I am used to traveling in the summer and I HATE the idea that I am going to be stuck in Mississippi/Memphis for the WHOLE TIME..........I get cabin fever in a weekend and I can only imagine what I will be like in July. Hopefully I find a good routine that includes getting up early (well, early for me) and keeping busy for the rest of the day.

I was really taken aback by the amount of thanks and praise I got from the parents and the kids. I was thanked so many times for "all I do". That felt really nice, even though I felt awkward hearing it.

To be honest, I'm a little scared for Ethan's arrival. I'm scared/excited for the huge changes Jeremy and I will face. I just want to be a good mom and raise a son who is kind. I dread those moments when I feel resentful because Ethan won't stop crying. Maybe I should worry about that when the time comes. Emotions scare me because with me they are strong, in one direction or the other. When I am busy, I don't have too much time to worry about the future. I usually make lists of what I need to do, and attack those lists when I get a chance. Now that I am forced to slow down, I expect that I will be quite emotional. I have to accept that emotional doesn't mean bad, it just means I'm in tune with my body and psyche. That is what I tell myself when I am sitting in the living room crying for no reason haha.

Jeremy will be going to Maine for a few days in June for his 10 year class reunion. I am so excited for him to get a break. He works so hard, all the time, and doesn't ever complain about going to work or having to work. He's a stand up kinda guy :). I want him to get a break from the normal routine and take time for himself. I want him to be completely selfish on his mini vacation; stay up late drinking, sleep in late and reunite with old friends (unless it is a girl and she is pretty and thin. In that case, I will beat her down for flirting with my sexy man.)

Monday, May 24, 2010


Reminder: Keep clicking on the ads on my blog! Once I clear $100 they start sending me checks. How cool is that, get a check for doing nothing except bitching and whining and posting in on the internets?

Playing Around

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thoughts of the Week

*The kids said that soon I will get bad gas because that is what happens to pregnant ladies at the end of their pregnancy. I said that won't happen to me. So I will keep farting in class and blaming in on various children. Seems to work pretty well.

*I hate being mad and being an angry person but I have been feeling that way lately. Jeremy knows to just let me pout and throw fits. I usually end up napping, and then feel a lot better. My frustrations come from work, not Jeremy. I think I love him more now then I ever have before. The best thing with him is that I can tell him how I feel and we talk through things. I wish I had better communication with my coworkers because I probably wouldn't feel as resentful as I do now if I felt comfortable expressing my true professional feelings.

*Project for this weekend: Stain the shelf that my daddy-o made for Ethan. Never done that before but my mom said it won't be too hard. Must visit the helpful friendly faces of Lowe's first.

*Found this awesome restaurant (too bad it is 45 minutes away) that serves a teriyaki tofu toasted sub on french bread. So frickin good. They had so much for me to choose from on the menu! I'm not used to that. :)

*We are dog-sitting our neighbor's boxer, Lucy, and she is so sweet and blends right in here. However, she is a slobber machine and leaves snail trails around the house. Gross.

*I told the neighbors that I would water their flowers while they were gone and I did today and they looked pretty bad. I hope I didn't kill anything. I would feel bad. It has rained every damn day though, so that is why I didn't water them earlier........maybe I should have checked earlier.

*Love Libby for making a charitable contribution of $1 million dollars to the Humes Band. Not quite that much, but pretty close. She rocks.

*I am getting very uncomfortable at night time. I get up a minimum of 3 times a night to go pee. I'm still trying to find a good method for getting up out of bed, so far the best way is to swing my legs out and rock my torso up, using my hands as support.

*Now, when I drop things, it seems like the end of the world. I have to seriously assess if the dropped item is worth me bending down to get. I fed the dogs this morning and missed Zoey's bowl. Jeremy came home, saw the mess and pieced together exactly what happened haha.

*Someone leave me some damn comments. I want to know if you can leave comments anonymously. I thought I enabled that feature but I'm not sure. So leave me a damn comment.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A First

Last night, I felt the first twinge of the sadness I might feel after I give birth. Jeremy said it best when he said "you will return to the masses". I kind of like being 'special' and I am getting used to kids getting chairs for me and telling me to take it easy because they don't want me to strain myself. Sometimes I get annoyed at the special treatment I get but I will miss being able to say "don't mess with a pregnant lady" and "back off a pregnant lady's food". After I give birth, I will just be another regular person. Kinda sad, but I'm still excited to meet Ethan but I don't want to rush these special moments either.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I've been doing too much lately and needed today to rest. Sucks though cause every sick day I take means one less paid day while on maternity leave. Ugh, feel bad.

You know, the more I look at the anticipated baby picture, the more I think that the website just had a generic white baby boy and then layed like the jawline of the parents over it. Still neat, but suspicious!

It is storming here right now, and I told Jeremy that rain is God's way of telling him to spend quality time with your wife :). I'm going to go hang out with my man now!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Technology is great

So I was bored and went to this website where you could take a picture of the mother and one of the father to see what your baby would look like. Meet Ethan! (according to
He's so cute! Haha, also I put the two pictures that I morphed together. I hope this is accurate, cause he is CA-HUTE!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gram & Parker


7 Months

More Presents

Maternity Leave

This effing b**** down at Human Resources must not know who she is playing with because I swear if she is rude to me one more frickin time, I am going to lose it. I called and FINALLY got to speak with her and I said "hello, I was calling about the status of my maternity leave" and SHE said "what about it?" and I said "ummmm, what do you MEAN what about it?" and she said "what about it?" and I said "ok, lets try this, did you receive my paperwork?" and she said "I don't know" so I said, "well could you check for me?" and she said "whats your name and social and I'll call you back". Well DUH, the b**** didn't call me back. I just called her AGAIN and left a super-sweet-to-the-point-of-annoying message politely reminding her that she did not keep her word about calling me back and checking on my maternity leave paperwork.

See this is my blog and I can speak like this because it is private :), if you check my facebook status, it is much more toned down then how I really feel.

I think I'll start seriously harassing her (with kindness of course). In fact, I'm going to call her back right now and at least twice a day until she simply checks to see if she has received my paperwork THREE WEEKS AGO.

I'm sure she thinks I'm this sweet little white girl and that she can bully me around so she will be greatly shocked when I don't give in to her bullying words! B****.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Happy Mother's Day, I'm constipated.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Bad List

As excited as I am about being pregnant and expecting my first child, there are a few downsides to pregnancy. Allow me to give you the details.

1. Chaffing skin on my thighs, never been this fat before
2. Stretch marks, not the thin white ones either. I found one on Monday, and they have rapidly multiplied since. I think they are trying to prove a point, that nothing, even cocoa butter will stop them. Point taken.
3. Inability to see past my huge belly. This makes shaping a bikini line near impossible. Think about what a forest that has succumbed to random clear cutting would look like from an aerial view.
4. Gas. Not only do I feel fat and ugly but I sound and smell ugly too. Enough said about that.

Got to go to bed now. I have started reading to Ethan at night time. I like it and he has no choice but to listen, so I hope he likes it too. Thanks Mom for all the cute books!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I am officially in my 3rd trimester :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Highs and Lows

High- I had two people sent to me from instrument repair today. They went through ALL damaged instruments and did the paperwork for me. I almost cried because I was so grateful.

Low- Still can't get into my classroom for teaching which makes me feel useless as an educator. All we are doing is watching movies.......totally not educational and the kids don't appreciate the lack of teaching :(

High- I got a compliment on my 6th grade class today! I was so lucky to have my class covered so I could work in my room. I could tell that the person that covered them was nervous to watch 45 6th graders during the last period of the day but I assured him that they were well behaved and well trained. He was surprised and told me that they were great which made my day :). Those kids are the future of my program!

Low- I think I'll have to cancel the end of the year concert because of the flooding. I'm sad that we can't show off all the work we have done this year, since it has been immense! Our progress has been amazing and I am so proud of the work I have done.

High- I'll still keep the award ceremony portion of the end of the year concert. Kids love that time of year and I enjoy giving out the awards :)

Low- Don't have enough money in the band budget to cover the trophies and awards. Anyone want to make a charitable donation? :)

High- The kids did great in our last fundraiser. We sold 866 chocolate roses for Mother's Day. A TON of work for me but worth it since we got a 50% profit. Time consuming, that's all.

Low- The fundraiser guy delivered me the wrong stuff so that set the fundraiser back a day. I can't wait to close out this whole deal and get the fundraiser off my mind.

High- My ASSistant principal complimented me on the way I am carrying this baby weight. She said I look great and don't seem to be worn down at all. Whether or not it is true, I appreciate the kind words.

Low- I barfed today. A cucumber nonetheless, nasty!

High- I'm married to Jeremy

Low- He has bad gas lately

High- I am going to bed

Low- I have to get up in the morning for work

High- I will wake up knowing that everyone is cheering for me and hard work pays off!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Very Bad Awful Day

I had a very bad awful day. Some bad things happened, but mostly I think I was just in one of those sad moods. My classroom flooded, not enough to ruin me (thank god) but just enough to piss me off and cause me to lose 2 full days of teaching. I really dislike change, ESPECIALLY when I don't initiate it! Well I guess change is ok, unless I didn't authorize it.

I had one of those days when it seems everyone else (who is always in a bad mood) is in a good mood! My boss is NEVER optimistic on Mondays (faculty meeting days) but today he was just as happy as a drunk during happy hour.

I was told that I was not allowed to go into my room because there was water on the floor and I might slip. I said that I take showers every day and manage to stay on my feet and then I said "well, I take showers every day and manage to stay on my feet" and then I asked if anyone would go to my room for me and pick up the materials I so desperately needed. This is what I got for a response "I'm not going down there!" which I took as "I'll tell you what to do but I ain't getting off my ass to help. I just like to be bossy and share my two cents for no good reason."

Anywho, I came home after school and laid in bed and cried and Jeremy told me everything would be ok and that he loved me and would do anything he could to help. I love him :). I know he means everything he says which makes him even better.

For some reason today, I got told that my baby would be a junkie. I swear to god this happened. I was told this by the choir teacher at my school after she saw me giving away a fruit punch that I had packed for my lunch. I said "I know you just didnt' call my baby a junkie" and then she started to go off about how no one understands her and no one knows what she means blah blah blah. I know that b*^%& is crazy, but that is no excuse for that. She ignored the fact that I was eating a veggie sandwich, reduced fat smartfood, trailmix, and a cucumber. She just noticed the fruit punch that I was not drinking, but giving away.

Let me clarify something. When I complain about unwanted input, I am talking about input from people that I believe don't truly care about the outcome of this pregnancy. I feel that the ASSistant principal, crazy guidance counselor, and loud mouth choir teacher really don't have pure intentions when they offer dumb advice (like eat a lemon and it gets rid of morning sickness, which made me barf and have a sore throat, from the lemon juice, for three days) they really don't care and they are just talking for the hell of it. I know the ASSistant principal just wants to make sure I'm at work everyday so she doesn't have to do any extra work.

I cherish advice and words of wisdom from my friends and family. I can't tell you how helpful you have all been over the last 7 months. I love all of you and appreciate your kind words and helpful hints. In my book (or blog haha), that is what friends and family are supposed to do.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pictures from Gram and Gramp Lapointe Visit


Sorry it has been so long since I posted anything! I have been so busy with work. When I get a minute, the last thing I want to do is spend more time on my computer. All week long I have been glued to this computer doing work, learning technology for a school project.
I have learned how to do so much though! I can use a digital recorder, edit the tracks and burn them to CD, make DVD's with our Handycam, print pictures from my phone, and much more! I'm totally making use of the technology around me.
Jeremy's grandparents (Paul and Phyllis Lapointe) just left. They spend 4 months a year in Florida and this year decided to take a detour to Mississippi on their way home. We had a really nice visit and as usual, they spoiled us too much! I went to Graceland for the first time! It was actually really neat and I'm glad I went. I can't believe that I have lived in this area for 4 years now and I still hadn't been to Graceland. I have a few pictures that I will post later. Also, I got some movies of Jeremy opening gifts and one movie clip of Parker and Gram Lapointe cuddling. He loved her!
The weather is messed up right now. My gosh, this weekend has been one tornado watch after another. We have had huge amounts of rain, high winds, and some counties got quite a bit of tornado/storm damage. Luckily, we missed all of it. Last night at 1am, we heard the sirens so me, Jeremy, Gram and Gramp Lapointe, were all in our pj's watching the news to make sure we were in the clear.
Today I pledge to:
1. go back to sleep
2. cuddle with the dogs
3. make dinner for my husband
4. spend hours inputing data for school
5. tell my family I love them!

Pictures and videos to come soon