Friday, May 21, 2010

Thoughts of the Week

*The kids said that soon I will get bad gas because that is what happens to pregnant ladies at the end of their pregnancy. I said that won't happen to me. So I will keep farting in class and blaming in on various children. Seems to work pretty well.

*I hate being mad and being an angry person but I have been feeling that way lately. Jeremy knows to just let me pout and throw fits. I usually end up napping, and then feel a lot better. My frustrations come from work, not Jeremy. I think I love him more now then I ever have before. The best thing with him is that I can tell him how I feel and we talk through things. I wish I had better communication with my coworkers because I probably wouldn't feel as resentful as I do now if I felt comfortable expressing my true professional feelings.

*Project for this weekend: Stain the shelf that my daddy-o made for Ethan. Never done that before but my mom said it won't be too hard. Must visit the helpful friendly faces of Lowe's first.

*Found this awesome restaurant (too bad it is 45 minutes away) that serves a teriyaki tofu toasted sub on french bread. So frickin good. They had so much for me to choose from on the menu! I'm not used to that. :)

*We are dog-sitting our neighbor's boxer, Lucy, and she is so sweet and blends right in here. However, she is a slobber machine and leaves snail trails around the house. Gross.

*I told the neighbors that I would water their flowers while they were gone and I did today and they looked pretty bad. I hope I didn't kill anything. I would feel bad. It has rained every damn day though, so that is why I didn't water them earlier........maybe I should have checked earlier.

*Love Libby for making a charitable contribution of $1 million dollars to the Humes Band. Not quite that much, but pretty close. She rocks.

*I am getting very uncomfortable at night time. I get up a minimum of 3 times a night to go pee. I'm still trying to find a good method for getting up out of bed, so far the best way is to swing my legs out and rock my torso up, using my hands as support.

*Now, when I drop things, it seems like the end of the world. I have to seriously assess if the dropped item is worth me bending down to get. I fed the dogs this morning and missed Zoey's bowl. Jeremy came home, saw the mess and pieced together exactly what happened haha.

*Someone leave me some damn comments. I want to know if you can leave comments anonymously. I thought I enabled that feature but I'm not sure. So leave me a damn comment.


  1. I used to make my students pick up the stuff I dropped when I had a big pregnant belly- once I dropped a huge deck of flash cards and my favorite kid picked them all up for me so I gave him chocolate :-) There's your damn comment!

  2. Awwww....of course I adore your statements on how much you love my son! I had to laugh on your struggle to get out of bed. When I was pregnant with Jeremy we had a bed that stood HIGH off the floor and it was a waterbed to boot! Talk about a struggle...LOL... Maybe that's why Jeremy likes going out on the boat and having a rocker recliner. He got to love the motion of the waves! :-) Post some new pictures of you Emily. I haven't seen any Ethan shots in awhile and I miss those and you!

    Love, Mimi (P.S. Here's your damn anonymous comment!)

  3. thank you very damn much!

  4. "I have to seriously assess if the dropped item is worth me bending down to get."
    I seriously laughed out loud when I read this. And if it makes you feel better this is how Nick behaves ALL the time.

  5. Let me get this fart a lot, you're grouchy as hell one minute, feeling unappreciated the next, can't bend over (in a good way), which means you have dog-snot trails all over the place. Be careful!. Another hazard: A hormone-laden, bitchy, pregnant woman doesn't have immediate access to her favorite restaurant...very unsafe! Love the visual of you rolling out of bed! I found it easier to just roll, allowing the feet to hit the floor first. The worst pregnant day for me was a week or so before you were born. It was the hottest day of the year with 100% humidity. I sat in the middle of the living room and just cried. We had one fan in the house, so I stuck it in front of me, drank water, and chewed on ice. I put a bucket of cold water and a wash cloth next to me. Erin wasn't even two years old, and she thought playing with a bucket of water was the coolest thing ever! Stay cool and hydrated my sweetie!
