Saturday, May 15, 2010

A First

Last night, I felt the first twinge of the sadness I might feel after I give birth. Jeremy said it best when he said "you will return to the masses". I kind of like being 'special' and I am getting used to kids getting chairs for me and telling me to take it easy because they don't want me to strain myself. Sometimes I get annoyed at the special treatment I get but I will miss being able to say "don't mess with a pregnant lady" and "back off a pregnant lady's food". After I give birth, I will just be another regular person. Kinda sad, but I'm still excited to meet Ethan but I don't want to rush these special moments either.


  1. A "regular" person? Are you nuts? You'll be a new mom, everyone will either fawn all over you, or will understand why you're grouchy. When Ethan is about 9 months old, is when you might return to "regular" status.

  2. You will always be special to us honey! You will love the "new regular" that comes with being Ethan's Mommy. :-)

  3. Cheryl's right. You will be silently, but lovingly inducted into the secret society of Mothers (with a capital "M"). All Mothers before you will bear witness as you enter the most hallowed sisterhood. "Regular" no more. Corny, or what? HA!
