Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is a...............

BOY! He is healthy and kicking up a storm. We got to see everything including his little nose, eyes, stomach, spine (which looked stellar to me), heart with all four chambers, kidneys (even though I had no idea what she was talking about haha, I couldn't see them!), and all kinds of side and top views. His bones are hardening and we can clearly see both legs and arms.
And want to know some more good news? They couldn't get all the views of the heart that they wanted to because the baby was in a breech position so next appointment we get another ultrasound. I love seeing our son.
I admit, I got misty-eyed when we were seeing our son. I was trying to hold it together because the ultrasound lady was all about business but then I thought who cares about her? Haha, you know what I mean.
We are so happy and I am relieved to know that our son is healthy and seemingly happy. :) I stopped by Target right after the appointment and got Jeremy a blue bib for the baby that says "I love my Daddy". I also had to pick up some cute sleepers with trucks on them. Vroom vroom!
My dad is in Bristol, TN right now so he should be here around 4pm tomorrow. He said there is still snow everywhere, and I guaranteed him that our streets are clear of that white stuff you call snow.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Can't Sleep

I can't sleep because I am so excited for our appointment tomorrow. I am so happy that our doctor's office hasn't called and rescheduled because a part of me was thinking that might happen.
I am excited to see what sex, but I am more anxious to see how healthy the baby is so far. Part of me is always worrying that something is wrong. Every twinge I feel makes me wonder if there is something wrong, like I lifted groceries that were too heavy, or I smoked a cigarette before I knew I was pregnant, or I slept on my stomach and I read that could make it hard for the baby to connect with the umbilical cord, and every other rational or irrational concern I can fathom. I look forward to this appointment so I can ease my mind.

PS I got my paper back from my professor. See, I told you she should just give me an A+ for the semester. It would save us both some time :).

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sorry Dad

I had a dream early this morning about our baby. According to my dream, it is a GIRL who peed all over the changing table (hopefully only in my dream though, not real life). I'm not sure what the dream means but I am excited to see if my dream will come true!
My Dad wants a boy so bad as he has been surrounded by women since he first had Erin, then me, then Libby, 3 female cats, 2 female dogs over the course of my childhood, and now he has one granddaughter!
I wonder how accurate pregnancy dreams are........we shall see!

PS Date night with Jeremy was fun :). I swear we are like food critics when a new restaurant opens in town. It is fun.

PPS Do I really have to do homework? Can't this teacher just accept it and give me an A+? I can save both of us a lot of time if she just accepts this fact and inputs the grade.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What a Week!

Any of you that also have me on facebook witnessed what I call facebookgate 2010. Long story short, and I hope I don't offend anyone but stop reading now if you are easily offended, I posted a poll about fur. I said 'would you ever wear real fur, yes or no?' and apparently that struck a chord with my Aunt Diane. Everyone on my facebook agreed with me and said they wouldn't wear fur for fashion, except my Aunt Diane. She wrote something offensive on my post so I emailed her as asked her what her problem was. She said my high and mighty attitude was what her problem was. Now I understand my Aunt is going through a rough time right now so I did my best to play it cool. However, I have too many people that love me (and/or love a good argument) and the facebookgate 2010 got out of hand, really fast. Comments got nasty on both sides and the original problem was not addressed. In the end, I got an apology for being slammed by my Aunt of facebook (UNPROVOKED). In the very end, I got called a sweet girl. So glad I played it cool and didn't get nasty. For once in my life, I held my tongue. (I only made one low blow saying that my Aunt was getting mean in her old age.....part sarcasm, part jab). I told my dad about the debate and he said that he was glad he stays away from (quote) 'that facebook or whatever it's called'.
In addition to all that, I took a sick day on Tuesday and felt terrible about it (but got over it) and ended up missing every band rehearsal with my performing band due to my sick day and two days of stupid standardized testing. To make up for this loss, I gave up my lunch for the week to get rehearsal time with my kids. They turned out to be excellent rehearsals! Things are going pretty well and I'm proud of my babies :). So with the stress and hustle at work, I really didn't feel like dealing with internet-fueled family feuds.
Our baby is not the size of a turnip! If any of you know what size a typical turnip is, then there you have it. I had to google it.
TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY!!!! Can't wait for our appointment on Tuesday at 3pm!!!!!!! I am praying that our baby isn't stubborn and all balled up for the ultrasound. I would hate to leave the office without knowing the sex and getting information on the baby's health (spine development, etc).
THEN, after that appointment, my Dad and Patty get here on Wednesday and THEN we (except Jeremy :( boo hoo) are leaving Friday morning to go to Santa Rosa Island near Pensacola, Florida and THEN we get back and paint the nursery and get to hang out! I have a lot to look forward to :).
I can't wait to see the ocean, I've been dreaming about it for the past few nights.
Don't forget to keep clicking on the ads! I'm at $17.03 right now and found out the threshold is $100. So, I won't get paid until I reach $100.
Oh and the best news!! I have a date tonight with a sexy man! He asked me to check out a new hot restaurant/bar in Southaven. I'm going to get all dressed up and hope that he likes me :).

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm a Loser

Even though I know I'm really not a loser, I still feel like it after today. Today started off like any other school day morning, hitting snooze eight times, stumbling to the shower, the usual events. When I was in the shower I started coughing. I kept coughing when I got out of the shower and then I started ralphing. I kept dry heaving for at least ten minutes. I was sweating and broke some blood vessels on my eyelids. For those of you that know me, every once and a while I'll start dry heaving and continue to do so for hours. This has been happening since before I got pregnant and pregnancy sickness was just an added bonus.
Anyways, I called in at the last minute which means I screwed my team over and really missed out on an important day of band rehearsals. I didn't leave any plans for a sub and didn't even call in for a sub because I forgot my access ID and password for the sub system. I feel like a piece of garbage for missing today, even though I know that it will be ok, etc.
Well the men's short program is on the Olympics now so I have to go.

PS Keep clicking on the ads, I'm at $9.87

Monday, February 15, 2010

V-Day 2

How was everyone's Valentine's Day? Give me all the details, except the bedtime activities.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thought Provoking

I was playing around on the internet, doing anything except my case brief for my educational law class, and a stumbled across this article:



Keep clicking on the ads that appear on my blog! I've made $3.70 so far and I need to get up to $10.00 before I can get paid. Neat! I love this program.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Since Jeremy and I rarely cook together, we are going to do so for V-day! Jeremy picked up some meat stuff yesterday and we grocery shopped for all the ingredients.
We are making:
Filet Mignon Wrapped in Bacon (for Jeremy of course)
Sour Cream and Chive Mashed Potatoes
Wild Rice Casserole
Garden Salad
and not sure yet about something sweet!

It will be nice to spend quality time with Jeremy. It seems we are always on the go!

I'm 4 months pregnant and barely showing and I'm feeling like I'm not even pregnant. I am really looking forward to my next appt on Feb 23rd.

Good news! I decided not to do the band festival with the kids and go to Pensacola with my Dad and Patty. I don't feel bad about not doing the band thing because it would have been mostly stressful for me since none of the parents will commit to transporting their child, paying the registration fees, or attending the final concert. My dad said we have 2 night reservations on Santa Rosa Island. I am sooooo excited to see the ocean!! The only thing that would make it better is if Jeremy could come too :(. It is near impossible for him to get a weekend off.

Got to get my day started, and for those who know me, they know I will be watching TV and laying down for at least the next two hours. So basically I said 'I'm getting my day started' to try and fool those who don't know me better.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

4 Months Pregnant Today

Jeremy had the day off today and he went through ALL of our closets and threw out junk and organized! I had gotten as far as buying storage containers, but Jeremy did the dirty work :). The nursery is now totally empty except for the few baby things we already have.

I'm getting a package from Erin and my Mom soon. I can't wait because I really want to read the book they are sending me, "What to Expect When You Are Expecting". I'm cheap in my old age and I don't like buying things that I don't have to.

Speaking of money, we are actually getting a tax refund!! We NEVER get money back. It isn't a ton but it is enough to save. I kept up with all my receipts this past year and it really paid off, literally. On a side note, I spent wayyyyy too much on my students last year.

I feel like a whale! Even my pajama pants are screaming for mercy. Nothing makes me feel more fat than tight pajamas. On the scale, I have gained a total of 12 pounds since I got pregnant but I swear it feels like at least 30. I actually have weighed more than this in the past, so that comforts me a little bit, but I still hate looking in the mirror. I'll like it when I start showing a lot I think.

One and a half weeks until the big appointment! Boy or girl??

Monday, February 8, 2010


I went to three different Wal-Marts today to try and get a better registry than the one I currently have at Target. The first Wal-Mart had their one person that knows registry stuff call-in, the next Wal-Mart had only broken scanners, and the last Wal-Mart couldn't find their scanner. I know I can do this all online but the point is that I wanted to play with the scanner thingy. Just kidding, the point was to make it easier for people.

So, I will keep the registry the way it is at Target.com. Sorry for all this confusion!

We might have another snow day tomorrow which would be nice because I could sleep in, but it would also be a pain because I'm running out of things to do at this house!

Cabin fever is slowly setting in.........

What a Nice Suprise

I woke up this morning to a bunch of text messages. I was irritated at first because I was awake sooner than I wanted to be, but out of curiosity I checked them. School is out!! What the heck? There wasn't even a snow warning or prediction of snow. We have about 3 inches right now and it is beautiful. Well, it is 6 am and I can't sleep. I'm sure I will doze off eventually.

Have you checked the registry? Did I make any mistakes? Miss anything?

I have finally decided on yellow for the baby's room since a friend told me that orange is the color of confusion. I attribute that to the reason I couldn't make a decision. Orange was clouding my brain.
I took a pic of the top of my head to show my new hair colors because it is 6am and I'm not about to take a picture of my sleepy, pillow creased face.
Oh, Erin and Eric! I'm such a loser for not sending you a pic of Jeremy and I yet. I hate it when people do that stuff to me, and I'm sorry for doing it to you! I haven't forgotten, I swear. It is easier to find a little person in the NBA than it is to find a picture where Jeremy and I both look good. Trust me, I'm a blinker.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Baby Registry

Went to Target today and got to play with the pricing gun! I wanted to get a registry up and going and even though we don't know the sex, I still managed to put a TON on there. My issue is that right after I did the damn thing I went online to check it out and some of the stuff says 'not available' or 'no longer in stock'. What the heck? That is irritating. Also, some of the stuff is temporarily unavailable! Annoying.
Well if you want to, check it out at Target.com under registries and type in Emily and Jeremy in Mississippi. Let me know if you have a tough time finding it.
Also got my hair done. Highlighted, toned, and cut. Back to normal basically, no more black hair, although I loved it, just hated the process of getting rid of it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bad Day Shirt

My 6th graders have been pushing their limits lately so I knew a day of punishment was coming up and since I was already in a foul mood, I decided that today would be the day of punishment. I chose write offs. I start with 5 write offs and every time I hear someone talk I up it by 5. Long story short, the kids got up to writing "I come to band every day to learn more about music and myself" 65 times. Regardless or not if it works, the kids want to play their instruments and the major punishment is that they can't play (or talk and you know how much 6th graders like to talk). Back to the point of my story: I wore this cute camel colored cashmere (from the clearance rack of course) sweater today and a sweet, funny student of mine said "Every time you wear that sweater we get in trouble. I hope we don't have write offs today," and then when I said "take out a sheet of paper", he said "I knew it Mrs. Lapointe" and signed. Kids are funny.
I got a question from Cheryl on the blog that I think I should address. She asked, "will you raise Baby Lapointe on meat or as a vegetarian?" Jeremy and I have discussed this before and since I've been a vegetarian for 12 years now, it was a tough decision to come to. We decided that since we both grew up eating meat, our baby should grow up the same way. I chose at the age of 14 to give up meat and if our child wants to do that then they can choose to do so and we will support them fully. I'm not sure how I will feel actually preparing meat, since I never have in my life, but it will be a learning experience.
UGH I am so disappointed because my dad asked Jeremy and I to go to Panama City, Florida with him and Patty when they come visit. Of course we both got really excited but after further planning we found that someone already took off that weekend for their 30th birthday at Jeremy's work and I have a band festival with my kids that weekend. Damn! I was really looking forward to the spending time with my Dad, the scenic drive, and the OCEAN. I don't belong in a landlocked state. Before you try and tell me I have the Mississippi, I urge you to look at that ugly scary river from an aerial view. Have you seen the ugly animals that come from that river? Ever seen a 20 pound catfish? Yuck. Maneaters. As Cancer's, Jeremy and I need to settle in a state that offers lakes and ocean. Jerzee knows what I mean.
Jeremy and I have talked about the birth plan a little bit, mainly who we want in the delivery room and all that stuff. We haven't made a final decision and we won't until the Feb. 23rd appointment (where we go over the birth plan with the doctor). We have a lot of decisions to make and we want to think everything through. We want to do what is best for our new little family (awwwww, I like that).

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Monday

Jeremy has had a headache for 2 days now which is torture for him. He hates headaches more than anything else in the world. I wish I could help but there isn't anything I can do except tell him I love him.
We almost had ANOTHER 'snow' day today. All the surrounding counties were out today due to dangerous road conditions. I was mad at first because I was tired when my alarm went off, but I ended up having a great day. I wore dangle-y (word?) earrings today, the ones Libby got me for Christmas, and the kids said I must be going out later because I rarely wear fun earrings to work. I told one student that the reason why I never wore earrings at school was in case I get into a fight. She laughed and said, "what would you do if a student tried to fight you?" and I said I'd sue them for all their food stamps. I can joke with this kid, she thought it was hilarious.
February 23rd is going to be the big appointment! I can't wait :). Still convinced it will be a boy.
Softball season is starting up at my school and it is really hard for me not to coach. I had such a great time coaching last year and I'm going to miss it so much. I'm still working with the girls, but I can't be around flying random balls during practices. It is hard for me to see a team that I built being coached by someone else. Sacrifices. Also, if I can't find a good long term sub, then there won't be band for the first 6-8 weeks of school, which would be tragic but I really doubt that there will be someone competent enough to handle 6-8 weeks of middle school band, let alone at the beginning of the year. I'm still hopeful though! I guess I'm irreplaceable :).
Ok I have to go over to Krisha's now to watch the new episode of intervention! We do it just about every Monday.

PS I didn't get much feedback on the newest pain samples! I think I will go with either the pale orange or the pale yellow. Or maybe a wall or two of each. Who knows! My dad is making me a shelf with pegs for the babies room. I had a shelf like that when I was growing up and now my baby can too :).