Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is a...............

BOY! He is healthy and kicking up a storm. We got to see everything including his little nose, eyes, stomach, spine (which looked stellar to me), heart with all four chambers, kidneys (even though I had no idea what she was talking about haha, I couldn't see them!), and all kinds of side and top views. His bones are hardening and we can clearly see both legs and arms.
And want to know some more good news? They couldn't get all the views of the heart that they wanted to because the baby was in a breech position so next appointment we get another ultrasound. I love seeing our son.
I admit, I got misty-eyed when we were seeing our son. I was trying to hold it together because the ultrasound lady was all about business but then I thought who cares about her? Haha, you know what I mean.
We are so happy and I am relieved to know that our son is healthy and seemingly happy. :) I stopped by Target right after the appointment and got Jeremy a blue bib for the baby that says "I love my Daddy". I also had to pick up some cute sleepers with trucks on them. Vroom vroom!
My dad is in Bristol, TN right now so he should be here around 4pm tomorrow. He said there is still snow everywhere, and I guaranteed him that our streets are clear of that white stuff you call snow.


  1. If you wanted to make me cry, mission accomplished. To hear my baby girl speak of her son...

  2. My tummy keeps doing flip-flops! It's like a switch has been turned deep inside me, and I'm feeling that connection with you the same as I did when Erin told me she was pregnant. I hadn't felt that until now, Emmy Lou Bugga Boo...

  3. are you saying you like erin better? i'm libby-ing you again.
    Jk, I feel more connected now with 'my son'. I know how you feel :)

  4. We are SO happy for you both and for all of your family! This is so exciting. Now I can start SHOPPING!! Woo Hoo...Mr. Baby Lapointe!!

  5. I'm glad you know what I mean, Em. I'm so happy for you, and I can't wait to see you soon!

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uldu_1-JCJE

    You'll love it.
