Monday, December 27, 2010

Bedtime Laughter

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Notes from Christmas

Boy, it was hard to be away from family tonight! The morning was great. We ate a big breakfast and stayed in our pj's for a long time. Eventually, we made our way over to the tree and opened presents. As soon as the sun started to set, a huge cloud came over my head and I got really blue. I was thinking about how nice it would be to be relaxing with family, maybe watching a movie everyone relaxed after a nice Christmas dinner.
I found out something new about Jeremy yesterday. I found out that he truly loves Christmas time.......I always thought he was being sarcastic when he said that he loves Christmas but I was wrong! We both wanted to share Ethan's first Christmas with everyone but financially and logistically it was impossible. We love everyone very much and hope to spend next Christmas with all of our loved ones.

First Christmas 2010 #4

Ok these videos are backwards. Number 1 happened last and number 4 happened first.....whoops. Enjoy!

First Christmas 2010 #3

First Christmas 2010 #2

First Christmas 2010 #1

Thursday, December 23, 2010

That does NOT make him laugh

Warning! Ethan cries for a brief moment in this video. ....And Jeremy and I had to laugh

Special Delivery

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Pictures

Parker is our special puppy........doing his blanket thing that he loves so much

Dad is enjoying his BBQ from Corky's!
....and he even took a quick break to kiss Ethan
For the record, yes that is a rib......and no I didn't let him eat it.
Happy family


Look at what we got in the mail today!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pictures from the Week of Dec13th


I am on Christmas break now and it feels great :). I am having these overwhelming feelings of panic because the house is nasty and my to-do list is longer than the Great Wall of China. Like the wall, I bet it can be seen from space. BUT, I am getting better at remembering not to freak out about little things because what makes me happiest is being a good mom to Ethan, not folding laundry and picking up the never ending clutter.

Ethan is going through this awful fussy phase! I think he is getting to the age where he realizes that when he fusses, someone comes. He does this fake cough thing and today it was getting on my nerves! He will fake cough until I scoop him up and then look at me and laugh when he tricks me! His sleep has say the least. His norm is to have a bath at 6, play/read some books, have his evening bottle, and then go down for the night around 7:30. He usually wakes up once around 2 but it isn't uncommon for him to sleep the entire night through. LATELY, he has been so unpredictable and fussy! Last night he woke up at 1, 2, 4:30, 6:30 and then napped from 9 to 11.......I like routines and this is unacceptable! :)

Ethan is starting to eat solids at daycare! He starts with oatmeal first. I'm not sure why this has me all flustered. It is sad to me to think of him without bottles.

Got my hair did! She did a really good job. I really like the warmer color and edgy cut. It is nothing too drastic but just enough to freshen up the look and boost my sexy-ness!

Ethan has had two massive, earth shattering poops today. I think the fiber from the oatmeal is cleaning him out! He is always so sweet after he poops though, so I don't mind.

Zoey, that bitch! I took her for a car ride today and when we got home she bolted and harassed our neighbors and their two wiener dogs. Our neighbor thought that Zoey was vicious and hit her and then she ran to the back field. I got in my car and drove to the field, opened my car door and she jumped right in! And the bitch had the nerve to lick me in my face! I couldn't help but laugh because she was having so much fun. It bothers me that she didn't listen to me when I called her the first time, but I'm so glad she didn't totally run away.

Ethan is almost sitting up on his own! He can balance for a few seconds but then he topples over. He is very determined.

My computer is in the shop so there won't be any pictures or videos for a little bit. Don't worry though, I will for sure make some Christmas videos!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I don't know what is going on with Ethan but he has been awake and cranky for the past three nights! I am starting to lose my grip on reality because of loss of sleep! A student asked me if I was ok because I kept forgetting what I was saying halfway through my sentences. I told him when he gets married and has a baby then he will understand.

Jeremy is so awesome, super helpful and we have taken turns getting and staying up with him but I can't sleep when Ethan is crying or fussing.

Dad and Patty are here!!!!! We are having so much fun. Ethan loves his Pepere and the dogs are loving the extra attention. They came just in time too because Zoey has been one half of a step behind me and constantly reminding me that she wants a walk.

I hope you like the videos, I know I do!

Ethan is crying..........ok just got him back down......

Well I hope it is not going to be another night of hourly alarms.....but if it is, it will be ok because this too shall pass......he must be teething or growing or something! Who knows.....

By the way, we have gotten gifts in the mail from Gram and Gramp Lapointe, Norm and Cheryl and Libby! Thanks everyone :). Ethan is soooooooo lucky!

Oh my goodness, I am so tired. I have to take advantage of this time. Who knows, Ethan might be awake in 10 minutes!

Fun with Ethan 3

Fun with Ethan 1

Sunday, December 12, 2010

So Sorry

I'm in a pissy mood. I don't have any clothes except one pair of not so trendy mom jeans. I don't have any shoes. I'm fat and my knee hurts like hell when I try to workout (that goes back to the shoes thing, no tennis shoes). My roots are two inches long and speckled with hideous course gray hairs. My hair straightener broke so I've has frizzy ponytails for a week. My toes are so bad. There is more nail showing than polish. Zoey just farted right next to me and I can taste it. My eyebrows need to be trimmed with hedge clippers. I'm breaking out like a fourteen year old boy. I think that is it for right now. Just let me feel sorry for myself right now. I'll get over it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Few Things

Ethan is growing this light brown peach fuzz on his head and it is so adorable.

We spent the whole day today at home. I had such a good time playing, nursing, napping, and laughing all day long.

He is doing really well on solids. He gets some rice cereal most nights around 5:30. He keeps opening his mouth, so it can't be that bad!

Got to go watch a movie with my awesome husband!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Just cause people keep asking us!...............

Ethan needs:
Clothes! (9 month size, when in doubt, go bigger) (onsies, pants, jackets, hats, tshirts, socks, the basics!, PJ's.......super needs PJ's....)
Swaddle Clothes
Books (he loves his bedtime stories and I love reading to him :)
Bath Towels
Burp Clothes
Target, Walmart, Kohls, Old Navy (great baby clothes), Children's Place, JCPenney gift cards.

Hope everyone wanted some pics of Ethan and our family cause that is what you are getting!

I wish we could get the dogs in a picture with us. That would be so difficult but soooooo sweet because Ethan loves the dogs too. He stares at Zoey and thinks she is funny and he wonders why Parker is scared of him. I wonder that too. Parker is weird but I love him. Wanna know where he is right now? He's sleeping in my closet on a pile of clean clothes.


Goodnight, my bed is calling my name but before I go do that, I have to check on Ethan and kiss him one more time.