Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Stress

Is there such a thing as happy stress?  Since stressing seems to be the only way I know how to live, I think the idea of happy stress suits me very well.  I stopped posting for a while because Ethan got sick.......again.  He coughed around 9pm in his crib and I instantly knew what was going to happen.  He had another croup episode but since we were so quick to give him the steroids at the first sign, it never got that bad.  We got to the hospital at 10pm and got home that morning at 5.  Since then, it has been nonstop events in our house.  I had to miss work because daycare called me one day and said Ethan had a fever.  He went through a cold/virus/croup/possible pneumonia in the left lung spell but he's doing really well right now.  I feel like we are so used to him getting sick that we just go through the motions and commit ourselves 100% to getting him better. 
While we were going through all this (with no sleep), I finished the school year and now I'm on summer break.  That is a whole journal entry in itself!  I voluntarily transferred myself from the school I worked at for 4 years and I still don't have a placement for the next school year!  There is a lot of talk about laying off 525 teachers from the district but I am not spending too much time stressing about the things I can't worry about.  I may have signed my own death certificate by transferring schools, but the real goal is to leave Memphis City Schools and move to Maine!
You may be wondering what I qualify as happy stress.  I mean that when I am up late filling out applications for jobs in Maine, it is stressful but it is for a good cause.  Since my summer break started, I am 100% dedicated to relocating our little family.  There are so many things that could go wrong but I refuse to accept failure until I know that I have tried my hardest.  I know there are many factors that go into a cross country relocation.  We did it before.  Successfully.  Yes, I know we have more 'things' (like a perfect baby and two messy dogs) than we did when we moved here 5 years ago.  I also know that renting out our house might be a challenge.  However, it might NOT be a challenge.  People forget to consider the fact that preparation lessens the likelihood of bad 'luck'.  I don't think I'm wrong for thinking so positively and setting high goals for our family.  Oprah says that she doesn't believe it luck.  She believes that preparation plus opportunity equal luck, if that is what you want to call it.  I feel that with proper preparation for a large move, we will raise the chances that we will get an opportunity.  Jeremy and I are putting ourselves out there, hoping for a great opportunity and it is very stressful, but the happy kind, and I wouldn't have it any other way right now.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ethan's First Birthday!

Wish List:

Clothes! Outfits, shirts, pants, PJ's, things I can mix and match, socks, 12 month or 18 month size.  He is growing quickly so if he can wear it for only summer then 12 month but if he can wear in for fall as well then 18 month.  All pants should be 12 month.....he has a little butt and short legs!  He always needs PJ's and I prefer the one piece kind (18 month) but the two piece kinds are awful cute!

Bath toys


Crib Toys

Gift Cards (JCPenney, Kohls, Target, Walmart, Children's Place, Old Navy, Babies r us)

Money for his college fund (I swear we put it ALL in there for him!)

The basics (lotion, diaper cream, diapers size 4, cute bath towels, big blankets for his crib, diaper genie II refills, pacifiers, etc)

............and anything else that you think he needs or would want!

I'm thinking of a water party with a kid pool set up in our backyard.  I want to keep it small so Ethan doesn't get overwhelmed.  I'm thinking of doing a monster theme and making him a healthy baby banana cake with frosting in the shape of a monster.  I think I would enjoy making a cake rather than buying one.  We could make it together!

I wonder if we will even be living here for his bday.......hoping to move......but that is a totally different post for another day.

I can't believe my superman is almost 1!  I love him! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Baby Laughs at Mom

Ok here is the story:

I asked Jeremy for a spoon with my ice cream and he brought me a metal spoon and I said that I only like using plastic spoons for ice cream and then he said I could get one if I wanted one. So, I said well I don't need one so I began eating the ice cream like this............and Ethan thought it was hilarious. Aren't we a fun family?

Holy Moly Roly Poly

Baby on Bed