Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Second Trimester=Forever

I've been telling people that I am 6 months pregnant now when in fact I am not. I am a liar, I know this. Today, I am 5 months and 3 weeks but I look so big that I think it is easier to tell people I am 6 months. So what happens when I am 6 months? Will I tell people I am 7? Or will I just say 6 months. Who knows.
I feel like this trimester is taking FOREVER. I think I read that the third trimester starts at 27 weeks so that means I have.......forever to go. My mom says I always try and rush things and I agree with her but that doesn't take away from the fact that I still feel this way! As uncomfortable as I feel at 5 months and 3 weeks, I cannot imagine what it will be like to be 9 months pregnant in the dead of the Memphis summer.
I was looking at photo albums at my mom's house this evening and I thought "damn, I was a hottie and so thin!" BUT, I clearly remember that at the time, I felt fat and disgusting and convinced that I was a zero. It is strange how that works. I suspect that I am not the only one who has had this experience.
I don't think that Central Maine could be any more depressing! I'm not sure if it is the time of year or the economy or what but I feel so sorry for Waterville. Maybe it is because I don't live here anymore, but I feel so bad for the area because I have such fond memories of the beauty and charm of the area and I feel that same beauty and charm are gone. I've noticed that people aren't repairing things on their houses and it seems that junk is piling up around people's properties. The storefronts looks old and worn and the streets are cracked with faded lines. The only new construction is of a credit union or bank which is probably only being built to deliver sad news to small businesses. Is it me, or has the area gone downhill?
On a more positive note (I hope I haven't lost any readers from being so depressing), I am bringing my mom to work tomorrow and then returning to bring her lunch! I like where she works, as it is the same place I went to school! I love that she helps students and families deal with their hardships. I would love to have her job someday, if I ever get tired of classroom teaching. THEN, after that I am going to visit my Grandma to say goodbye and THEN I am going back to pick up my mom and THEN I am waiting for Libby and THEN we are all going up to Bangor to visit Eric, Erin and Nora! It will be like the finale to my vacation. :)
This will be my last solo visit to Maine. Something to think about.
Even though my vacation is winding down, I am eager to get home to see Jeremy and the dogs. I am such a baby because I miss them so much! I'm sure they miss me because.......well, why wouldn't they? I walk them, I feed them, I play with them, I cuddle with them, I love them......I'm talking about the dogs, not Jeremy. But I do play, cuddle and love Jeremy. Time apart always makes me miss him and appreciate him even more. (Barf, I'm sure you're thinking that)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Setting

Hey there, I changed the settings so now anyone can leave a comment. If you don't have an account then you can simply select 'anonymous' and leave a comment that way. I had dinner tonight with Brenda, Mike and Carla and they made me aware of this problem! Everyone leave comments, I love getting them.

Enjoy the pics from my baby shower.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Baby Shower

I had a great day today. First of all, I'm in Maine which is always a great thing and secondly, I had my first baby shower at Cheryl's today! It was really nice to see everyone and of course the FOOD was sooooooo good. I felt terrible leaving Cheryl's house a mess but she said it was ok so I'm taking her word for it.
Here are my plans for the rest of the week. Let me know if I forgot something!

Monday: Sleep. Spend day with schmommy. Go over to Cheryl's that afternoon/early evening. Dinner with Libby and Nick.
Tuesday: Sleep. Dinner with Mike, Carla and Brenda.
Wednesday: Sleep. Visit my Daddy-o and Patty.
Thursday: Sleep. Visit my mom at work! Visit Lauryn and Jason? Go up to Bangor to see Erin and Eric?
Friday: Sleep. Figure out a way to get to the airport. Go to airport. Go to Memphis.

I want to fit in time to see my friends Justin, Mylinh, Kelly and others but I don't know if our schedules will work together. It happens.

One thing is for sure........I'll be sleeping and eating a lot! :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

5 Month Appointment

Yay we had our appointment. We got to see Ethan again, he was punching me! We even got to see him swallowing, it was really cool to see him! I wished I could hold him but I know he has a lot more growing to do before he's ready to be held. He weighs 1 pound and 1 ounce now which I think is so cool because he was 1/2 pound one month ago.
On the DOWN side, I have gained 2o pounds.....yea I said it, TWENTY. It is all in the belly, not in the hips or butt too much. I know every woman is different but I have such a complex with numbers on the scale and numbers on my clothing. I'm not as bad as I used to be but still, who likes gaining 20 pounds?
Weight aside, I am so happy that everything is developing normally. Today was the first time I felt really connected to my son. Watching him swallow was so cool and I know Jeremy felt the same way. I wanted to keep the ultrasound going forever but all good things must come to an end.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Just Some Pics

Editing project on a pic of Zoey at the park last summer
York Beach 09

One of the first times the dogs played

Freaky picture of Parker! Whats weirder, the tongue or the eye?

Flower garden from last year. I HOPE I get to plant another one this year! It looked so good last year, I was so proud of myself.

Jeremy and our friends middle child. He's a natural :).

My little bastards at the Christmas Parade. Friggin cold. Friggn long wait for parade to start. Then I had a kid pass out and taken in an ambulance. Thank god Jeremy, Norm and Cheryl were there for support.

Damn tourists in St. Louis! Cut off Jeremy's head.

Parker on the first day we had him. This was before he became posessed and then saved.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

6 Days

I can't wait to come home! But first, I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday at 3. They need to do another ultrasound to get pictures of the aorta. The last time we went Ethan was in a position that wouldn't allow them to get all the pictures they wanted. That means Jeremy and I get to see Ethan again! I'm excited to see how much he has grown over the past month.
Then on Thursday I have signed some of my students up for an indoor drumline competition. I have no idea how they will do, it depends on their attitudes this week and how hard they feel on working........I hate teaching drumline and look forward to not doing in next year. BUT, the kids love it so I'll finish it out for the rest of the year.
I have to figure out how to get sound working on my school issued dvd player because I dont' feel like teaching on Friday. The kids have been working sooooo hard lately and we haven't done anything 'fun' or out of routine lately so on Friday I'll surprise them with a treat.
OH, Mike and Carla bought us the pack and play! Yay, we were happy. The baby's room is really coming together. I can't wait to get the crib and set it all up!
See ya soon!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thank you!

Someone bought us the pack and play we wanted! It came today but we have no idea who sent it because there wasn't any card or message or anything. We put it together quickly and are quite happy with how functional it seems. I also like the way it looks :).


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today I.....

barfed in a garbage can in the teachers lounge. I had a small audience but they all understood. And if they didn't, too bad. Barf happens.

Monday, March 15, 2010

My Goodness

People need to stop asking me how I have been feeling and if I am getting sick anymore! I swear, I haven't been sick since the day before I left for Pensacola. Yesterday, I caught up with a bunch of friends and family and everyone asked me how I have been feeling and I said "great! Haven't been sick for weeks!".
WELL, lemme tell ya that this morning has been awful. Sick sick sick, and sick some more. I blame all the people that care about me, just kidding :). I still love you all and will think of you when I am praying to my commode all day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby's First Published Photo Shoot

These were taken on February 23rd, 2010. He must be so much bigger now. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

It is Getting Warmer

I love this time of year, when you can keep your back door open and drive with the windows down, but I hate the necessary evils that come with the warmer temperatures. This is the time of year when I stop wearing all my long sleeved sweaters and switch to 3/4 sleeve or short sleeve tops. With wardrobe change comes stupid questions.
I have had psoriasis for 9 years now and currently my skin is looking quite amazing. I have large white patches from where the psoriasis used to be, but other than that, I am very happy with the quality of my skin. However, as a teacher I am exposed to preteens that ask a ton of questions. "Ew Mrs. Lapointe, what is that on your arms?" But what bothers me more are the adults that feel they can cure my psoriasis with Gold Bond cream or cocoa butter. Depending on my mood, I answer their questions (Is that bug bites? A rash? Eczema? Contagious? Burns?) in a variety of ways.
Sometimes I say I have herpes of the limbs, sometimes I say it is purposeful and art inspired tatoos, and I love looking at peoples faces when I tell them that they need to step away quickly because I am highly contagious. Sometimes I tell the truth, and explain the inner workings of psoriasis, but I have to admit it is much more fun to mess with people.
Then there are the people with the cures. I had no idea that everyone was a dermatologist. Had I known that, I would have saved a lot in copays over the years. I take it personally when someone suggest I use a gentle soap in the shower because I am a highly intelligent person and when I hear dumb things like that, I take it that they think I look stupid.
Of course, most times I try to be understanding, and I keep all these thoughts to myself. However, catch me on the wrong day, and you will be subject to the worst verbal abuse you have ever encountered.
Another perk of working in a school is that kids are frequently telling me that I am getting fat, my hips are spreading, I am getting shorter (I wear heels less), and 'you getting big'. My favorite was when an adult told me that when I stop walking, my belly is still moving. I said "I'm pregnant, that is why I am gaining weight. What is your excuse? Your child is 3 now, don't tell me it is baby weight." The look on her face was priceless.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Jeremy and I have decided for sure on a name for our son, Ethan Michael Lapointe. Thoughts? It feels right to us. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

It is Official

I officially cannot see my underwear by looking down while standing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Stroller/Car Seat

Help! Which setup should I get? Check my registry and you can see the two that I currently have listed. I am not sure which one I should go for. Input needed.
Its stressful (at times) preparing for a new baby!
By the way, our registry is at and you can find our registry from there or if you like, you can click on the links below!

Oh, today we got the lamb swing and put it together. It is pretty neat and it is the first major purchase made for our son. Now we just have to stock up on D batteries.

Pensacola, Paint, and People

Me and my Dad in Pensacola Beach. Cold, but still a really great mini vacation.
Yay! Yellow for our son!

I'm using Zoey as contrast so you can see the real color. Plus, who doesn't love seeing a picture of Zoey?

So yellow! I love it.

Getting a yummy salad ready

SO, I lost (which someone eventually stole) my own camera but luckily my Dad's camera also fits my cord thingy so I can use his camera for the time being.
Sorry I hadn't posted in a while, super busy and in a good way.