Sunday, September 26, 2010



Handsome Boy

Norman and Ethan

Ethan and Zoey


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sad Day

Cheryl and Norm left this morning to go back to Maine! We had a really nice visit and we REALLY appreciated the help. Norm brought rollerblades and took Zoey out almost everyday. She loved the attention and excercise! Parker wasn't too thrilled with the rollerblades but still enjoyed all the attention with Norm.
Cheryl was so happy to cuddle with Ethan and help around the house. She made a some yummy meals and then portioned the leftovers out for my lunches. She did dishes before I even put them in the sink haha! We all had a very good week, especially since Ethan went to daycare only one day this week! He got lots of family kisses and attention which makes me happy.
Monday is the big day! Jeremy isn't sending Ethan to daycare and I have to work so it is Daddy and Ethan's first whole day together! I'm hoping it goes smoothly (like Ethan is cooperative) but if he isn't then I am sure that Jeremy will handle it just fine. Monday is faculty meeting day so I will be extra late since my Principal loves the sound of his voice! Long winded, as they say.
I promise I will post a ton of pics soon. I have so many great pics to share! Ethan is smiling more and more everyday so I'll have to show you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Blend of Old/New Pics

Ethan is 12 weeks old! WOW!

There! Ya happy Mom?? New pics and videos are coming soon. I think minutes now have only 45 seconds because time goes so quickly.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another First

Ethan has his first cold. Only 4 days of daycare and he gets a cold! Arg. He was miserable last night but it could have been much worse. I sat in the recliner with him all night long. Jeremy stayed up with him until 1:00am and I did the rest of the night.

Norm and Cheryl get her tonight! Yay, as for now, I have to take a shower. I am a disgrace right now.

Leave me comments with tips on how to comfort a baby with a cold! FYI: You don't have to sign in to leave a comment. You can leave one as anonymous but make sure you write in who you are! I like comments.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Second Day of Daycare Pic

He loves their swings! So sweet and I am so glad he is doing well there. I would die if he hated it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Daddy and Ethan Time


I didn't take pictures at daycare today. I suck balls.

More Pics

First Smile Caught On Camera!

Do you like the Freddy PJ's? So cute.

Daycare Day 1 is Ethans first at daycare and he is doing great. I called once already :). They told me I could call anytime and I think they might regret that! It is amazing how much I can get done while Ethan is in daycare! I have already done his laundry, almost done the grown-ups laundry, gave myself a pedicure, portioned out snacks, went grocery shopping (and actually put the groceries away!), paid all of our hospital bills (thanks for nothing, Memphis Shitty Schools), starting my lesson planning for this week, washed all the dishes, and spend a few minutes with a friend! WOW!

I teared up a little bit when we left him but the ladies in the infant room made me feel very comfortable. He has his own crib and cubby, which I will take pictures of. Jeremy has today off which is mighty nice since I almost lost it when we walked out without Ethan. I think he will be ok in daycare. There are a lot of babies for him to look at and the ladies are really nice. Jeremy said that Ethan is making his first friends.

Ethan is so tiny! There was another baby that was born at about the same time as Ethan and that baby is huge! I didn't realize how little he was until recently. He still has a little catching up to do but developmentally he is right on track. :)

Got to get him and take pictures now! Miss my little man.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Thank you mom for the package with books and stuff for Ethan and thanks dad for the package with the Patriots baby hooded towel! So cute!


Our Special Boy

Friday, September 10, 2010


Wow, Ethan is in bed and I just took a shower and I feel so good right now. My house is clean (thanks to some serious teamwork with Jeremy) and I have my to-do list ready and waiting for me to tackle it tomorrow. I love crossing things off my to-do lists. Frequently I will write something that I have already done, just to cross it off to boost my mood.

Movies and pictures coming tomorrow.

Less than a week before I go back to work. Don't ask me how I feel about it because I don't quite know yet. I go back and forth between dread, excitement, extreme sadness, and determiniation. I will have to let you know how I feel when I figure it out. Right now, I just want to enjoy my men and get as much quality time as possible.

Thursday, September 2, 2010