Friday, September 10, 2010


Wow, Ethan is in bed and I just took a shower and I feel so good right now. My house is clean (thanks to some serious teamwork with Jeremy) and I have my to-do list ready and waiting for me to tackle it tomorrow. I love crossing things off my to-do lists. Frequently I will write something that I have already done, just to cross it off to boost my mood.

Movies and pictures coming tomorrow.

Less than a week before I go back to work. Don't ask me how I feel about it because I don't quite know yet. I go back and forth between dread, excitement, extreme sadness, and determiniation. I will have to let you know how I feel when I figure it out. Right now, I just want to enjoy my men and get as much quality time as possible.


  1. I also write things on to-do lists so I can cross them off. We must get some kind of high from it!

    All Moms who have made the decision to return to the workforce go through the emotional roller-coaster you are experiencing. Once you get used to the routine and see that Ethan will be okay for a few hours a day it will be easier. We are SO proud of you Emily (& Jeremy too!) You are wonderful parents. Love you all! XOXO

  2. You are the best task-master I know, and I love your lists! When you're content, I'm content, funny how that works, huh? And I'll guess you know what I mean. Enjoy your week, love your guys, and I'll talk to you later!! Love you soooo much!
