Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another First

Ethan has his first cold. Only 4 days of daycare and he gets a cold! Arg. He was miserable last night but it could have been much worse. I sat in the recliner with him all night long. Jeremy stayed up with him until 1:00am and I did the rest of the night.

Norm and Cheryl get her tonight! Yay, as for now, I have to take a shower. I am a disgrace right now.

Leave me comments with tips on how to comfort a baby with a cold! FYI: You don't have to sign in to leave a comment. You can leave one as anonymous but make sure you write in who you are! I like comments.


  1. Vaporizer in his room, saline solution, nasal aspirator, lots of nursing (fluids), Tylenol for fever, dress him lightly, and lots of patience! I'm so glad Cheryl and Norman are they to help out, although I AM VERY JEALOUS! Not being able to breathe through his nose is what will keep him up at night, so even though he'll hate the aspirator, it's very useful. Love to all of you!

  2. Emily Vaporizer works really good. Used it on Jeremy many times. Good luck Love you

