Monday, August 30, 2010

Doctor Visit

Today we took Ethan to see his doctor (which we really like) because he has been miserable for days now. I suspected that it might be his reflux that is causing his crying and I was right. The doctor told us to give him Maalox before we feed him and when we give him a bottle to add a little rice cereal to help keep it down. He is spitting up quite a bit lately and it cause him pain when he does. Poor little man! I am so glad we took him to the doctor today and got some answers. His crying has been frustrating and exhausting for everyone.

I vow to call people back when I say I will. Here is list of the people that said my call was important and they would get back to be as soon as they could:

-Humas Resources Bitch for maternity leave, multiple times.
-OB/GYN to set up an appt to get birth control. He said his nurses would call the next day. (Am I suprised that I haven't received a call a week later? Not really.) Bitches.
-La Leche League representatives. Left 3 messages for 2 people and never got a response. Bitches.
-On call nurse at the Memphis Children's Clinic when I called on Thursday about Ethan's crying. She's a bitch too.

I will be sure to do my BEST to return parent phone calls quickly when I am back at work because I know how frustrating it is when people don't do what they say they will.

However, the bill collectors are sure to call because they want something from us. No one want to help us, they only want to talk to us when they need something.

It's a dog eat dog world out there.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


This baby never wants to be put down!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


It is late and I have pictures and two movies to post but I'm waiting until later because I'm tired!

I coughed last night and peed myself. For some reason I thought I was going to be the exception and this would never happen to me but I found out that I am ordinary and might have to live my life in fear or pissing myself. I wonder if Michelle Duggar can hold any of her pee? I bet she just is constantly peeing. SNL should do a skit where she is the face of depends. Or me.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


My sister Erin helped me last night when Ethan was giving me a run for my money. I told her I was hesitant to break our routine and she told me that when you are in the moment and your child is screaming then you need to do whatever you need to do. So that it what I did, I gave him a bottle of breastmilk instead of our long evening feedings because, to be honest, a bottle keeps him asleep longer and gets him full faster. Erin told me not to worry about the future when I need to fix a problem in the moment. Long story short, Ethan fell asleep after HOURS of screaming and fussiness without a nap.
Poor little guy, I hate not being able to comfort him all the time. He has been so needy lately (not wanting to be put down) but I will continue to meet his needs and keep putting him down for longer periods at a time. He sleeps ok in his crib, so that isn't a problem, but the problem is during the daytime he is stuck to me like glue (super glue!).
If he gets really miserable again today then I will call the doctor to make sure it isn't an ear infection or something else that can be treated. I'll let you know how this afternoon/evening goes......
On a happy note, my dad is getting the worldwide web today! Hopefully he will be able to see his first grandson in live time tonight. I will have to find a super cute outfit so Ethan can meet his Pepere in style.

Friday, August 20, 2010

No Movie Today

Ethan has wanted to be held all day today so there hasn't been a chance for a movie! Right now, Jeremy is holding him and I am exhausted. Got to feed him one more time before bed and then I will get to eat and shower! Yessss. I hope this isn' going to be a new trend......

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Playing on the Mat


Last night I was playing with Ethan and he sneezed in my mouth! Jeremy witnessed the whole thing and laughed. Ethan just stared at me as if to say 'you're welcome'.
He slept for 4 hours, then ate and fussed for an hour, then fell back asleep for 3 more hours! I consider that a great night. I really think he likes his crib more than being in our room because his room is quiet except some comforting white noise.
He's in his swing right now so it isn't the best time for movies but I will make on later!

Here are some fun pictures detailing his 7 weeks of life:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sorry Everyone

Hi Everyone!

Ok, I know I've been bad about posting but I will get better. Give me a few more days and then I'll start posting on a regular basis. It has been crazy here ever since June 28th and the days are flying by. Tomorrow, Ethan will be 7 weeks old! 7 weeks old!! My gosh! Ok, well I made a promise and I will follow through! For now, I want to enjoy time with my mom, husband, two naughty puppies, and sweet sweet beautiful son. Ta ta for now!