Monday, August 30, 2010

Doctor Visit

Today we took Ethan to see his doctor (which we really like) because he has been miserable for days now. I suspected that it might be his reflux that is causing his crying and I was right. The doctor told us to give him Maalox before we feed him and when we give him a bottle to add a little rice cereal to help keep it down. He is spitting up quite a bit lately and it cause him pain when he does. Poor little man! I am so glad we took him to the doctor today and got some answers. His crying has been frustrating and exhausting for everyone.

I vow to call people back when I say I will. Here is list of the people that said my call was important and they would get back to be as soon as they could:

-Humas Resources Bitch for maternity leave, multiple times.
-OB/GYN to set up an appt to get birth control. He said his nurses would call the next day. (Am I suprised that I haven't received a call a week later? Not really.) Bitches.
-La Leche League representatives. Left 3 messages for 2 people and never got a response. Bitches.
-On call nurse at the Memphis Children's Clinic when I called on Thursday about Ethan's crying. She's a bitch too.

I will be sure to do my BEST to return parent phone calls quickly when I am back at work because I know how frustrating it is when people don't do what they say they will.

However, the bill collectors are sure to call because they want something from us. No one want to help us, they only want to talk to us when they need something.

It's a dog eat dog world out there.


  1. First, people are bitches, and I'll never understand how they can feel OK about themselves knowing they aren't doing a good job. Second, I'm so glad you brought him to the doc! You must be so relieved to, at least, know what the trouble is. I hope the Maalox works well for him, poor little thing. It breaks my heart when he cries!
    Good luck with the medication and cereal, I hope it works for him and for you. Love you all so much!

  2. These are the days that your Mom and I wish we were closer to provide a helping hand and some stress relief. I want to wrap all of you up in a big hug!!

    All sounded quiet while I talked to Jeremy last night and he said he was holding Ethan. Hopefully that is a positive sign. :-)

    Good luck with the bitches out there. Just try not to worry about the things you can't change. Everything will work out somehow....

    Loves and hugs!
