Thursday, August 26, 2010


It is late and I have pictures and two movies to post but I'm waiting until later because I'm tired!

I coughed last night and peed myself. For some reason I thought I was going to be the exception and this would never happen to me but I found out that I am ordinary and might have to live my life in fear or pissing myself. I wonder if Michelle Duggar can hold any of her pee? I bet she just is constantly peeing. SNL should do a skit where she is the face of depends. Or me.


  1. Coughing, sneezing or laughing can all create that situation at times. :-( No matter what you will never be ordinary sweet girl!

    I'm looking forward to new pics and videos. All the girls at work think my grandson is the new Gerber baby! My office is plastered with his photos so whenever anyone comes in they have to talk to me about him. :-)

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, stop! I'm going to pee! STOP! Hahaha! Remember to do your Kegels! Cheryl, Ethan looks exactly like the Gerber baby, complete with that cute little Boston curl on the top of his head. Ethan is cuter, of course. I love him...

  3. HA! Welcome to motherhood ;-) I can't wait to see the videos- Nora loves them too! Love to you and the family XOXOXOXOXO
