Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dog Costume

First Halloween!



Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day Before I Met Ethan

I found this video when I was organizing files yesterday. I was trying to get the automatic settings to work on the camera. Ethan was born less than 24 hours after this video was taken and my water broke about 12 hours later! Who would have known?

A Visit!

I am so happy that my Dad and Patty are coming! They just booked their tickets this week and will be here the second week in December! I have told Ethan all about his Pepere so Ethan is very excited to meet him.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Oh my gosh, what a long week! Can't wait to spend the whooooooole weekend with Ethan, Jeremy, and the pups. Bath time! Got to run.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Daddy Daycare

Jeremy got to spent time with Ethan today and I was sooooooooooooooooooooo envious. He brought him to daycare for an hour so he could get the order done at work. I was mad because I had got Ethan this SUPER cute hooded sweatshirt and I was waiting for the right time to debut the new threads (you know, with the perfect pants, onesie, socks and hat) but Jeremy dressed him in it today! AND, the one of the daycare ladies said "Monica, come here! Isn't he the cutest baby you've ever seen?" AND THEN, Jeremy said "that's what happens when daddy dresses him". (Insert eye roll.......). But seriously, what is cuter than a man and a baby? Wish I could have been there :(.

Friggin work........Jeremy is right though, people are people and do the same things no matter where you go. Every workplace has a troublemaker, a suck-up, a dead beat, etc. Most of the people at my work are nice but it seems that most people have trouble accepting direction and authority (which is strange since we are always yelling at our students do respect authority). I am certainly an offender though. I have the hardest time following/listening to directions and doing anything that is not on my own agenda. I have a hard time dealing with change, especially last minute changes that could have been avoided.

I heard an announcement this morning that said drumline tryouts were tomorrow and I thought "wait a minute, I'm the band teacher.......I'm not having drumline tryouts.......and what equipment are they planning on destroying?" Turns out that they were planning on using my equipment in my room! Funny, because this person turned it around to make it seem like I was being difficult.......believe me, my reaction was far from my usual display of difficult!

I shouldn't even care and I should be asleep.


Sunday, October 17, 2010


Let me explain what I mean by broke......we are able to pay all of our bills and provide for Ethan but we have been dealt a serious setback. By broke, I mean that we are not saving or getting ahead like we should be.

Wait for it......

At the 2:20 mark he passes baby gas........

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Tomorrow (Sunday) we all have the day off together! I am so excited to lay in bed with Jeremy in the morning, hear Ethan wake up and then bring him into bed to eat breakfast. It is going to be so sweet. I love family time. This is the first day we have had off as a family since I went back to work.

Do you like the video I just posted? He is still phlegmy/coughing which bothers me so I will bring it up during his 4 month doctor appointment.

Wanna hear something gross? Well if you don't then stop reading.......... I went to lunch today with a couple girlfriends and I had Ethan sitting on my lap while I was waiting for my food arrive. I thought I felt my cell phone vibrate but it turns out (the smell tipped me off) that Ethan had just shat himself. I was thinking, "Wow I hope they have a changing station in their restroom." I stood up and i felt a squish. Yup, Ethan had pooped UP his diaper and onto my shirt and jeans. Of course, he was covered as well.

I thought about just leaving but I pulled myself together, went to the restroom and used my handy dandy diaper bag and all of its useful contents. We left the restroom smelling like a sewer but we were both clean! I had to take off my shirt and wear my nursing tank for the rest of the outing but who cares? We had fun and made it through a potential disaster!

I will make an effort to start posting more interactive videos of Ethan. I want to start taking the camera out with us too. We went to babies r us today and it would have been fun to document the exciting trip. We got him some pads to stop the car seat straps from rubbing on his neck. Not cute but still necessary. It is much more fun to buy clothes and toys.

Also for Christmas, we would like crib sheets for home and daycare. The standard size crib sheet is fine and any print/color is fine too. I like blue, yellow, orange, and green because they match his room. Prints will work too because he can take them to daycare. I like to use our own sheets instead of theirs. Just a thing I like to do for him :). Some things at daycare bother me, but I have to tell myself that it is never going to be as good as home.

I am so tired and am trying to get to bed early!

Let me say a bit about Ethan's insurance. Ok here we go.............
1. Ethan is uninsured because I had 3o days to do so and tried to on day 32.
2. The reason I did was because they told me to wait until I got his SSN but since I don't have that it writing, they are saying that no one told me that.
3. I have tried everything. Please believe me when I tell you this. I have called everyone, complained to everyone, appealed everything, and applied for everything.
4. We are broke because of this. Did you know that 12 hours in the NICU costs $5500? Trust me when I say we are broke. It sucks. A lot. I have cried over it. A lot.
5. I am now in the stages of accepting our situation and moving on. It sucks and is a terrible situation but we have to move on and I have to let go of all this anger and emotion. I have learned that Memphis City Schools do not care about their employees and that I am just a number when I walk into the HR offices. They don't know how hard I work for them and they really don't care. It is a business and that it the way it is and I can't change it.
6. We were saving for a moving fund because we are trying to relocate for the next school year but now we are so far behind that I don't know if we can afford the move. I'll tell you all about our future living plans later, I'm tired now.
7. Thank you everyone for your support and compassion and being there to listen when it has been frustrating. Thankfully, Ethan will be insured on January 1st so we are crossing our fingers and praying until then. After this next doctor appointment, he won't have anymore scheduled visits so that is good news.

We have learned that you can't count on anyone except friends and family and that is why I want to move closer to home. Still working on it and this is a monetary setback but we will make it through. As long as we have each other and our health, we will be just fine!

Love everyone! Have a great Sunday :)

Saturday Morning

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You Know You're a Mom When.... see an advertisement for Burberry pumps and you think "huh, I didn't know they had designer breastpumps. I wonder if they are cute? Oh wait, nevermind."

Someone is Missing...

Cheryl are you still reading the blog? Haven't had comments from you recently! Don't think I don't notice! :)

Cute Outfit Alert

Thanks Erin for the jacket and thanks Ceci for the moose shirt!

Monday, October 4, 2010


When I say a car seat cover, I mean something like this.....

Winter is Near, Christmas Soon?

So, I just went looking through Ethan's overflowing clothing drawers and weeded out the stuff that doesn't fit him anymore..........that left him with about half of what was in his drawers. Next, I looked for season appropriate clothes that are in his current size.....and that left about NOTHING!

People keep asking us what we need so let me tell you!

A cover for the car seat (orange, royal blue, red, or grey)
Warm Blankets
Swaddle Cloths/Blankets (Size M or L....he is growing fast!)
Long Sleeve Onsies (3-6 and 6-9 months)
Regular Onsies (3-6 and 6-9 months)
Pants (3-6 and 6-9 months)
Thick socks (I think winter boots would be excessive for him so socks are fine)
Jackets! (6-9 months since he will be layered most of the time)
Cute Winter Hats (he has super cute summer hats but NO winter ones!)
PJ's! Can you believe that he has outgrown 0-3 months? He needs cute PJ's in 6-9 month sizes
.....and any other winter stuff you can think of!

Of course, we always love Target and Walmart gift cards. Old Navy, Gap, Kohls, and JCPenney also have great baby clothes.

If you don't want to get Ethan anything, DON'T! I'm just posting this in case you wanted to know what we needed.

Peace out from Mississippi.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mean Ethan!

I friggin love this picture. He gives the best mean look. Jeremy said he looks like Gage from Pet Semetary. What do you think? Bad pic or super cute and funny?

Pacifier Playing

What a Great Weekend

I had such a great weekend with Ethan! We had lots of bonding and quality time. Today we went to Krisha's work (Air National Guard) for her baby shower! He was so sweet and everyone loved him. Krisha got a lot of stuff and we got to eat cake. I was the only person that was in 'civilian' clothing but that is ok with me. Everyone at her work seems to like her a lot so it was really fun. I was so happy that Ethan was so agreeable. He took a big poop before we left (causing me to change his ENTIRE outfit) so he was feeling relieved.

I have 9 pounds to go before I get back to my prepregnancy weight! I know my weight has shifted but the scale says I am still steadily losing weight. Love weight watchers. So easy and so effective.

People keep thanking me for doing this blog. First of all, you are welcome and secondly, I enjoy doing it! I miss the sarcastic narrative that I used to post but my audience has changed so I have to keep it more informative and less descriptive. I'm sure my dad or Gram Lapointe don't want to know if I'm constipated or starting my period for the first time since last October (still haven't by the way). My hair is starting to fall out. I thought that was supposed to happen when you finished breastfeeding and Ethan gets breastmilk 99% of the time.

Our bond is getting so strong. When he was first born, of course I loved him but lately, I feel like we are getting to know each other so well. He loves me so much :).

On Friday I raced home so I could pick him up from daycare because when you pick him up, he smiles like crazy! It is soooooo sweet :). Usually, Jeremy gets out before I do so I get to drop him off (sad!) and Jeremy gets the joy of picking him up.

Daycare doesn't suck. I don't totally hate it anymore. I really like the place and I feel that they do a pretty good job. I think the room could be cleaner (gross fridge!) and I hate that when I drop him off, I have to bring him to the big kid room since the infant room workers don't get there until 7am. I like how they keep a DETAILED record of his eating, sleeping, pooping and peeing so when we pick him up, we know exactly what is going on with him.

It has been confirmed (but suspected for quite some time)!! Ethan is the cutest baby in the infant room!! One of the ladies at daycare said so and I had to agree. :) Even though he is losing his hair and starting to look like uncle Fester, he still is way cuter than the big-headed, bug-eyed other babies. Is that mean? Yes? Oh well.

How is work going? I like teaching, I think everyone is stupid and can't speak in proper English and wonder why our kids write like they talk. Ok, that was mean but I am tired of the crap and am totally, 100% there only for the kids and the paycheck. Things are going so great in my classroom and that pleases me. The kids are learning and they really appreciate that since they have had nothing but random subs since the first day of school. Also, I am now teaching all of the former piano kids and they are so happy to be finally learning stuff. I gather that their former piano teacher just yelled all period long and although she was a nice person, she didn't teach very well. Mean again? I call it like I see it. I'm sure I will have tough times this year, just like any other year, but it will be fine because at 2:30 the school day ends whether I have a rough day or a great day. I will do the best I can, that goes without saying. :)

Ethan is going to be a cow for his first Halloween! I will take pics, don't you worry!