Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Someone is Missing...

Cheryl are you still reading the blog? Haven't had comments from you recently! Don't think I don't notice! :)


  1. Thanks for missing me honey! Yes of course I'm still here soaking up every beautiful photo of your precious family. :-) I printed out the XMas wish list for Ethan and am ready to go shopping!! Can you email me the photo of Mean Ethan? I want to surprise Norm and put it on my computer desktop. When he opens the computer he will see one pissed off little boy! LOL!! Love the shot....I think he had Memphis Shitty Schools on his mind.....

    Love you! Mimi

  2. you can save all the pics right from the blog....just right click and save! if that doesnt work then i can email you them :)

  3. Yeah...I tried to save it that way but for some reason my computer won't recognize it. Don't understand because it saved as a jpg. file.

    Thanks sweetie! Miss you.....
