Thursday, June 30, 2011

Links to all of the latest videos!

I am mad a youtube right now!  I hate that I can't post them how I used to because I LOVE reading the comments about how cute Ethan is :).  Pop some popcorn and enjoy the vidoes!


Ahh!! I am having issues with youtube! I will keep trying but you can use this link to see one of the new videos :).

Tissue Bandit! 6/30/2011

Pictures from E Man's Party

Amazing Young Man

I LOVE Reagan's mad face!  She's saying "get this damn flower outta my face!"

Camryn, our friends' daughter

The Fortier Family

Melissa, my friend who cut his hair in her new salon

So proud of my big boy

He did really well for his haircut but there was no way he was giving up the pacifier

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hey everyone, that link works. For some reason youtube is being weird and won't let me post from youtube to blogger. Oh well! The link is just as good! Cute video, can you believe I've published 132 videos? Yikes! I bet I will get over 200 after his birthday party :)

Thanks Gram and Gramp Lapointe for the presents for Ethan! Super cute wrapping paper (it is Seseme Street characters swimming). Don't worry, we didn't open them yet! We will video Ethan opening his presents. I think he will love tearing the paper.

Lunch with Silly Man

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One Week

One week until Ethan's first birthday!  I can't wait until his party.  Did everyone get their invitations?  Haha, I understand if you can't make it but we wanted to extend invites to the most important people in our lives! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best new daddy!  Ethan and I are so lucky to have you.  We appreciate all the hours you work (without complaining I might add).  I'm so glad I met you all those years ago :).  Thanks for being such a great daddy to our son!

Happy Father's Day to my dad!!!  I have the best dad ever!  Thanks for being so supportive of me over the years.  I can't wait until we move closer so Ethan can get the privilege of growing up near you.  It would mean a lot to me if you guys were close.   

Happy Father's Day Mike!  You're a great father-in-law!  Jeremy and I hope you had a restful day.  We can't wait until you see Ethan again.  I want to know if Ethan is like Jeremy when Jeremy was his age!  

Norman, you know we love ya!  I majorly appreciate how thoughtful and caring you are when in comes to our family.  It's great to know you are in Ethan's life.  Someday you can teach him to shoot coyotes from the upstairs window of your house. 

Got to go put Ethan to bed, just wanted to share a quick note.  Hope everyone had a great day!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


It is just now hitting me that major changes are coming our way.  Even if we don't relocate, I still will be starting a new job and that is stressful and scary enough!  I got a phone call for an interview for a middle school music position in Andover, MA (about 2 hr 45 min from Waterville) and the reality of the situation hit me so hard.  My chest is so tight right now.  I am having to force myself to breathe.......OMG I can't believe that we could really be doing this.  Is Andover too far?  Will we like the area?  Where will we live?  I can't bear the thought of being in an apartment without Parker and Zoey!  I can't live without them!  We have to rent because we can't sell our long will we be in a rental?  What if I get a job and Jeremy doesn't?  What if he gets a job and I don't?  Do we have enough money in savings?  What about forwarding mail?  I hate changing addresses!  Maybe we should stay here another year and save some more money.  But if we dont' leave now, will we ever?  Will Ethan ever know his family?  What if we have to move somewhere without a washer and dryer in the house?  UGH talk about olden times!  I need to relax.  Ethan is sleeping peacefully and I think I will do the same.  Just kidding, I know I will have all kinds of crazy dreams tonight. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ethan's Has Friends!

Ethan got invited to a birthday party for his friend Avery (my friend April's daughter)!  He had SOOOO much fun and he is for sure part fish!  He was a big hit at the party and luckily I got some cute pictures of him and Reagan (my friend Krisha's daughter) splashing in the kid pool.  Avery is 2 so she got to play in the big kid waterslide area and although Ethan really wanted to, I wouldn't let him go down the water slide (mean mommy!).

Hi Reagan! 

Water drop on the camera, oops! Ethan was splashing...

Trying to crawl to the big kid waterslide!

Patty, looks like Parker has an new bone-holder!
Again, trying to escape.

Didn't mean to blur you out Krisha!

One of my favorite pictures ever taken of him.

Pictures from our photo shoot for his bday invitations!


Blurry but wanted to show you how big he is!  Love the pj's?  Me too!

Oh that tongue!  A girl at daycare calls him her little lizard cause he's always doing that.

Eating my resume

Add caption

Friday, June 10, 2011


Ethan is in 18 month size for everything now!


Wow I was behind on pictures!  These pictures are from Ethan's greatgrandparent's visit and our family Easter trip to the zoo!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Policies and Politics

I am still a MCS employee but what I did was voluntarily transferred myself into the applicant pool which means that I am still a music teacher with MCS but I don't have a placement for the upcoming school year.  In the worst of cases, I will not find a placement for the 2011-2012 school year and will be let go from MCS BUT that is a very small chance considering the needs of the district and my seniority over all (that I know of) of the other music teachers in the applicant pool.  Most of the teachers in the applicant pool are in there because of their low seniority in their former school, so when cuts came, the principal at their school probably booted them because of their low seniority.  Also, it is easy to lose a music teacher because music is not a 'core' subject like math, science, social studies, and language arts.

Its all a game at this point and I hope I find a good school to go to.  I have the opportunity to look around and try and find a position, but eventually that process will come to an end and I will be placed somewhere if I don't find somewhere by X date.

I have an interview on Thursday to get into the applicant pool at Desoto County Schools in Mississippi, which would be nice but the ultimate goal is not to be in Memphis or Desoto County.  The goal is to be in the Maine/New Hampshire area for the upcoming school year.

Our little family is in a time of transition right now and it can get confusing because information changes every day.  We will try and keep everyone informed of what we have going on!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Coming soon to a cute baby blog.....

I have so many pictures to take off our camera!  I have some GREAT pictures of Jeremy's Grandparents' (Paul and Phyllis) visit.  I also have some of Ethan's hair in the tub.  It gets SO curly when it's wet!  Ok just wanted to update you! 

By the way, I got into an accident and thankfully Ethan wasn't in the car.  It was technically my fault even though the chick was stopped at a green light.  Either way though, it was my fault and I am taking this as a sign to stop trying to do too much at one time and relax a little bit. 
Paying for a rental=suck
Discount on rental=great
Maybe getting a deal on my deductible=great
Getting old damage on my car fixed and insurance is paying=great
Ethan wasn't in the car=AWESOME