Monday, May 16, 2011

Ethan's First Birthday!

Wish List:

Clothes! Outfits, shirts, pants, PJ's, things I can mix and match, socks, 12 month or 18 month size.  He is growing quickly so if he can wear it for only summer then 12 month but if he can wear in for fall as well then 18 month.  All pants should be 12 month.....he has a little butt and short legs!  He always needs PJ's and I prefer the one piece kind (18 month) but the two piece kinds are awful cute!

Bath toys


Crib Toys

Gift Cards (JCPenney, Kohls, Target, Walmart, Children's Place, Old Navy, Babies r us)

Money for his college fund (I swear we put it ALL in there for him!)

The basics (lotion, diaper cream, diapers size 4, cute bath towels, big blankets for his crib, diaper genie II refills, pacifiers, etc)

............and anything else that you think he needs or would want!

I'm thinking of a water party with a kid pool set up in our backyard.  I want to keep it small so Ethan doesn't get overwhelmed.  I'm thinking of doing a monster theme and making him a healthy baby banana cake with frosting in the shape of a monster.  I think I would enjoy making a cake rather than buying one.  We could make it together!

I wonder if we will even be living here for his bday.......hoping to move......but that is a totally different post for another day.

I can't believe my superman is almost 1!  I love him! 


  1. Ethan wears size 4 in diapers?! So does Nora!! I can't believe my little nephew is almost 1 either. Give him hugs and kisses from his Auntie Erin XOXOXOXOXO

  2. well he will be in a size 4 very soon! especailly how he peed out of his last night....gross!

  3. When you return, you can setup a NextGen fund for Ethan, it comes with coupons you can print and send with invitations to parties and such, for people to deposit funds directly into his college acct. Nora's is up 20% already this year. We've been taking cash she receives and sending them a check with the coupon.
