Monday, December 20, 2010


I am on Christmas break now and it feels great :). I am having these overwhelming feelings of panic because the house is nasty and my to-do list is longer than the Great Wall of China. Like the wall, I bet it can be seen from space. BUT, I am getting better at remembering not to freak out about little things because what makes me happiest is being a good mom to Ethan, not folding laundry and picking up the never ending clutter.

Ethan is going through this awful fussy phase! I think he is getting to the age where he realizes that when he fusses, someone comes. He does this fake cough thing and today it was getting on my nerves! He will fake cough until I scoop him up and then look at me and laugh when he tricks me! His sleep has say the least. His norm is to have a bath at 6, play/read some books, have his evening bottle, and then go down for the night around 7:30. He usually wakes up once around 2 but it isn't uncommon for him to sleep the entire night through. LATELY, he has been so unpredictable and fussy! Last night he woke up at 1, 2, 4:30, 6:30 and then napped from 9 to 11.......I like routines and this is unacceptable! :)

Ethan is starting to eat solids at daycare! He starts with oatmeal first. I'm not sure why this has me all flustered. It is sad to me to think of him without bottles.

Got my hair did! She did a really good job. I really like the warmer color and edgy cut. It is nothing too drastic but just enough to freshen up the look and boost my sexy-ness!

Ethan has had two massive, earth shattering poops today. I think the fiber from the oatmeal is cleaning him out! He is always so sweet after he poops though, so I don't mind.

Zoey, that bitch! I took her for a car ride today and when we got home she bolted and harassed our neighbors and their two wiener dogs. Our neighbor thought that Zoey was vicious and hit her and then she ran to the back field. I got in my car and drove to the field, opened my car door and she jumped right in! And the bitch had the nerve to lick me in my face! I couldn't help but laugh because she was having so much fun. It bothers me that she didn't listen to me when I called her the first time, but I'm so glad she didn't totally run away.

Ethan is almost sitting up on his own! He can balance for a few seconds but then he topples over. He is very determined.

My computer is in the shop so there won't be any pictures or videos for a little bit. Don't worry though, I will for sure make some Christmas videos!


  1. Clever baby, tricking his Mommy for attention! Also, post pictures featuring your hair so I can copy the style for myself.

    I know how important routine is for you so you have my sympathies. Do you get up to check on him when he wakes up? I can't imagine that 3-4 times a night. I won't even get up to pee sometimes, just sit there in bed for hours squeezing my legs together. Here's hoping Ethan settles back into a more manageable routine soon!

  2. haha Libby! Yes I get up with him and I hope he gets back to his norm as well. You are funny. I used to do the same thing ('how bad do I REALLY have to pee.......') but it is different when you have a little one counting on you! Love ya
