Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm a Loser

Even though I know I'm really not a loser, I still feel like it after today. Today started off like any other school day morning, hitting snooze eight times, stumbling to the shower, the usual events. When I was in the shower I started coughing. I kept coughing when I got out of the shower and then I started ralphing. I kept dry heaving for at least ten minutes. I was sweating and broke some blood vessels on my eyelids. For those of you that know me, every once and a while I'll start dry heaving and continue to do so for hours. This has been happening since before I got pregnant and pregnancy sickness was just an added bonus.
Anyways, I called in at the last minute which means I screwed my team over and really missed out on an important day of band rehearsals. I didn't leave any plans for a sub and didn't even call in for a sub because I forgot my access ID and password for the sub system. I feel like a piece of garbage for missing today, even though I know that it will be ok, etc.
Well the men's short program is on the Olympics now so I have to go.

PS Keep clicking on the ads, I'm at $9.87


  1. Emily, you are NOT a loser. But I AM concerned about the dry heaving. I never knew that happened to you. Do be too hard on yourself, this too shall pass...

  2. You were sick and there was nothing you could do about it. I know you feel like you let people down but I'm sure they understand. Everyone gets ill. Hope you feel better soon though. I love you a million times infinity.
