Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thought Provoking

I was playing around on the internet, doing anything except my case brief for my educational law class, and a stumbled across this article:



  1. That's what play dates are for! Seriously though, you'd better live near kids around the same age or plan on having at least two children. In my completely useless and uninformed opinion, parents can inspire play, but shouldn't be forced to participate.

  2. I agree. What is the child going to do when the parent isn't around to enterain? HOWEVER, I am bored all the time and I remember being bored on occasion when I was a kid but I don't blame mom for it. I don't think she was the type to be in our faces, singing and dancing. And if she was, I'm glad I don't remember it! But, who doesn't want to play with their kids on occasion? I fully plan on playing with my child but I will leave time for the baby to discover on their own. I'm sure Erin and Lauryn are reading this saying "you wait Emily! All plans go out the window!"

  3. From birth, Erin required direct and immediate parental interaction. I had to beg Libby to let me play with her, and you fell somewhere in the middle. I did sing and dance with you often, but I think we spent more time reading together. I agree with the article, but to a point. It's true, you don't want to "teach" your child to play because that doesn't give the kid much credit. But there is nothing kids love more than spending time with their parent, and that can mean so many things.
    I love to observe Nora when she flips the top off her truck, places a toy in it, and thoroughly checks her work before replacing the top. Then she starts the process all over again. I remember watching you sitting next to a laundry basket, grabbing and shaking every single one of the dozens of neatly folded cloth diapers. You were too cute, all smiles and so proud of the diaper mountain you made. Aww, I'm getting verklempt...
