Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Bad List

As excited as I am about being pregnant and expecting my first child, there are a few downsides to pregnancy. Allow me to give you the details.

1. Chaffing skin on my thighs, never been this fat before
2. Stretch marks, not the thin white ones either. I found one on Monday, and they have rapidly multiplied since. I think they are trying to prove a point, that nothing, even cocoa butter will stop them. Point taken.
3. Inability to see past my huge belly. This makes shaping a bikini line near impossible. Think about what a forest that has succumbed to random clear cutting would look like from an aerial view.
4. Gas. Not only do I feel fat and ugly but I sound and smell ugly too. Enough said about that.

Got to go to bed now. I have started reading to Ethan at night time. I like it and he has no choice but to listen, so I hope he likes it too. Thanks Mom for all the cute books!


  1. You are already a FANTASTIC Mom and Ethan hasn't even arrived yet! Jeremy used to love to have me read him stories at night and he still likes to read today. Imagine how much Ethan will enjoy books with you reading to him even before he is born! Awesome. I just CAN'T WAIT for Ethan to get here.....the girls at work are probably getting tired of hearing about him already..... :-)
