Friday, January 28, 2011

7 Months

Ethan is 7 months today! Yay! Someone asked me what I was getting him for his 7 month birthday and I said, 'uhhh, ummm, lots of kisses!'


  1. 7 months already? HAPPY 7 MONTH BIRTHDAY, SWEET ETHAN!! According to your baby book, you weighed 17.6 at 6 1/2 months, and you were 27" at 6 months. In your 7th month, you ate 3 meals a day, sample menu includes: Fruit and cereal for breakfast, meat, veggie, fruit for lunch, dinner was meat, veggie, fruit and cereal. You had your first two bottom teeth at 7 months. By the time you were 7 months old, you were yanking your socks off, recognizing relatives, holding your bottle, creeping (not quite crawling), pulling yourself to standing position (yes, it's true). Not quite sitting alone. And here's the good 7 months you were sleeping 12 hours at night with 2 or 3 naps during the day. Hehehehe...

  2. holy crap, this is great info, i need to keep better baby records for ethan.......
