Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So depressed about this baby weight! I wish it would just all go away so I can wear clothes again without gaps in buttons and rolls on the sides and muffins all over the tops. I don't have any money to join the gym again, don't have any desire to exercise in the freezing cold, don't have energy to exercise after Ethan has gone to bed, and certainly don't have time during the day. UGH! Over Christmas break, I bought new clothes and 4 long sleeved shirts, 2 sweaters and 1 button up shirt shrunk so much that I mine as well throw them away. I wanted to cry. Even though the scale doesn't look that bad when I step on it, my weight has shifted around all over the place and I'm so tired of clothes not fitting. I haven't have success with clothes since I was 3 months pregnant. Bummed! :(


  1. I know stuff doesn't fit you the way you want right now but you have done a great job losing baby weight and I think you look great.


  2. Jeremy, I'm so happy Emily married you :-) You're totally right- she looks amazing! (Also, bonus points for spelling "losing" correctly.)

  3. I've been reading a lot of sociological commentary in my state of unemployment and one of the common themes is the pressure for women to lose weight quickly after giving birth. Doesn't seem fair to me, but what do I know. I sympathize with the clothing situation though. There's nothing worse than buying a whole bunch of brand new clothes then washing them and finding they've shrunk (NICK!) and being so disappointed. Unless I'm dealing with 60%+ synthetic, I always get a size bigger.

    Anyway, I love you a lot and I'll keep my phone on the nightstand from now on.

  4. It takes 9 whole months for a woman's body to recover, hormonally, from pregnancy and childbirth, and much longer to recover physically. Libby's right, the pressure for women to return to pre-pregnancy size is enormous, and unrealistic. Real women put their family first, and that includes being a mommy, a wife, having a full-time job, and a house to manage. You are beautiful!
