Monday, December 28, 2009

Baby Room

I have been looking around for ideas for the nursery. I'm only 10 weeks now, so I have plenty of time to decide what I want but it is really fun to look.

I know that if it is a girl, I don't want a pink palace! I like feminine but I don't want to shove it down our baby's throat. If she is a girl, she doesn't need oodles of pink to remind her of her gender.

I really really like the idea of stars and moons for a boy but I can't seem to find a really cute set. Since we live outside of Memphis, a star is not just a star. It is also a gang sing, depending on how many points in the star and what color it is written in. So I want to find a star and moon set that doesn't look ghetto. I don't want to commit my child to a gang quite yet, I prefer to let him or her choose which gang they will affiliate with. Actually, a moon is also gang related. Haha, maybe I'll scrap the idea of stars and moons!

Here are a few links to the bedding sets I kind of like so far: (Find the Sumersault Geo Boy 10-pc set.)

As for being sick, I haven't prayed to the porcelain god since the earlier incident but I'm going to be cautious when I take my vitamin tomorrow. If I spew, I'll post exactly what it looked like.

On a side note, it is Libby's birthday! She is 25 and I wish I could be there to celebrate with her. I would bake her a cake with love.


  1. Instead of pointed stars, you could do planets, with their moons (Jupiter and Saturn would be especially interesting) arranged around the wall in order (don't forget the asteroid belt), with one corner a bright yellow arc representing the sun, maybe next to a window! Maybe with space-ships, real and imaginary, flying around.

  2. I like the little tree collection by MiGi. Kyedn's room is Blue green and brown with about a thousand
    glow in the dark stars and planets. :) good luck!
