Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First Cravings

I thought before that I may have had my first pregnancy cravings. I thought, well I'm in the mood for french fries, so that means I'm craving them. No, that just meant I was in the mood for fries and I was using my pregnancy to justify the fact that I wanted to eat anything fried.

Starting a couple of days ago, I have in insatiable appetite for vegetables! Not just any vegetables though, I crave raw and fresh carrots, cucumbers and celery. I bought and ate an entire veggie platter in one sitting. Right after that, I cut up a cucumber and ate the entire thing with a little sea salt. Jeremy went and picked up a few groceries yesterday and picked up two huge cucumbers. I just finished the last one and felt a huge sadness when I realized I was out of cucumbers. Celery makes me feel the same way too. Other than fresh veggies and dip or salt, I haven't had any irrational cravings but I do get hungry every few hours. Also, when I eat, I can't finish my food usually, and in an hour or two I'm ready to finish my plate.

Jeremy and I went to the gym together tonight for a spin class and we both got a great workout! We were the only people in the place that laughed when the instructor played "gettin' jiggy wit it" by Will Smith. Come on people, isn't that funny? It's a funny song. Jeremy whispered to me "uh, oh! Now the party is getting started."

Happy first birthday Nora! You cute little one year old! Major props to Erin and Eric for refusing to have a huge, elaborate blowout for Nora's first birthday. She's one. She won't remember. I'm much in favor of what they chose instead.

Give me your thoughts on a diaper genie. One friend said "NO WAY" and another said I can't live without one. Give me some input!

Happy New Year! My resolution last year was to be nicer. I think that being nicer for a whole year might have been a little unrealistic but all in all, I think I made many attempts to be nicer, less judgemental. Not sure what my resolution will be this year, but it will be a good one!


  1. How can anyone be anti-Diaper Genie? That's like being anti-chocolate, or anti-soap. It just doesn't compute. Men don't generally get terribly excited about baby stuff, but I will tell you that Erin isn't exaggerating when she says how great they are. They're simple, fairly inexpensive, the refills last a while, and most importantly: the house doesn't smell like baby poop.

  2. ...I forgot to note, but the new Diaper Genie II is far superior to the previous model as well, there's even less work for mom and dad, and from what I've read online, it's more reliable. We haven't had any issues with ours.

  3. It's great that your cravings are so healthy! See what a great Mom you are already?

    I don't have any experience with a diaper genie. They didn't make them in the stone age when Jeremy was little. :-)

  4. The Taylor residence never smells of diapers...ever. Diaper Genie is so easy! Your entry had me laughing so hard, Em! Cheryl, you won't believe what they have for babies now. Let's take a walk through the baby aisle, it's a whole new world, Mimi D.
