Thursday, March 31, 2011

9 Month Dr Appt

Ethan has been fussy lately and guess what?  Its NOT teething....he had an ear infection!  OOPS!  Well I feel like crap! We went today for his 9 month appt and it went well, other than the whole ear infection thing.  The doc said he is perfect height and weight (27 inches and 18 pounds) and right about where he is supposed to be developmentally.  He's not crawling or even scooting yet but the doctor didn't seem to care.  He also said that it is perfectly normal for babies not to have any teeth at 9 months.  So leave me alone haha!  He's not crawling, pulling himself up, or teething but he is perfect and he will do those things when he is ready.  Our doctor also set up an appointment with an ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist) so we can see maybe why Ethan got croup so badly.  He mentioned that Ethan might have a narrow airway to begin with.  He also commented on how happy Ethan is and how well he sits up and moves around to grab EVERYTHING. 

Can't wait for company to come!  Details later, I have to go right now!

1 comment:

  1. The range for "normal" is so broad there is no reason at all to be concerned. Sorry about the ear infection though. Hey, don't worry, when you were two, I thought you had a concussion, had X-rays taken, but it turned out to be an ear infection. Geez, how are we supposed to know this stuff?! I'll be interested to hear what the ENT will tell you. Keep us updated!
