Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ethan's Bedtime

Ok, so Jeremy and I have analyzed what works best for Ethan when it comes to sleep.  He likes to be swaddled, rocked and sang to.  He needs his pacifier and his fan blowing for air circulation and white noise.  He also has to take his baby Zantac before bed to prevent his reflux from bothering him.  His mattress is on an incline in order to help with the reflux.  He has been stuffed up lately so we have been using baby Vicks.  The Vicks also helps with his cough that he still has leftover from the Croup.  Oh, and the doctor said we needed to run a humidifier at night to help with his cough.  He is showing signs of teething (drooling, rubbing his mouth, bump on the gums) so a dose of tylenol before bed seems to ease the pain.  He needs to be thoroughly burped before I put him in his crib because sometimes he will wake up, simply needing a pat or two on the back.  After all this, there is about a 10% chance he will sleep through the night, a 40% chance that he will wake up once and need his pacifier, and 50% chance that he will wake up frequently and Jeremy and I will rack our brains trying to figure out what we did wrong. 


1 comment:

  1. :( It's probably not that you did anything wrong, maybe more like a phase he's just gotta get through. You guys are doing so much for him, nothing wrong with that.
