Tuesday, June 15, 2010

8 1/2 Months

Don't mind Jeremy in this video! He is exhausted and in need of a vacation :). Not the life of the party in this video. You'll see.


  1. We love your videos Em! You make me laugh everytime and seeing you and Ethan is just fantastic. I nearly spewed coffee like your Mom when you made the comment on Jeremy's personality drawing you to him. HA!!

    We are counting down to Jeremy's arrival and can't wait to see him. I really wish you were coming too though. I think you both need some spoiling. At least Tina will be able to cover that front in a few weeks. :-) Love and miss you and the pups. Thanks for making us feel like we are there with you for a few minutes....

  2. Fun video, Em. You are SO prepared, you even bought special birthing socks :) Love you very very much. Also, Nick and I have that same pizza stone. Mmmmmmm......crunchy crust.
