Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why I Married a Chef

I hate cooking. I know some people can make an afternoon fun by experimenting with recipes but I am not one of those people. I much prefer Jeremy's cooking, or anyones cooking. I am good at assembling, but that is about it. I can buy tortellini and boil it and add sauce. Sometimes I even make a salad to go on the side. That is about the extent of the cooking that I will do willingly.

I did manage to make a really good spinach quiche, for which I am proud but I will quit while I am ahead. Today I started to make this brown rice and lentil casserole and it looked so much like barf that I threw it away and said 'screw cooking!'.

I miss Jeremy, I need the moral support after my failed casserole attempt.


  1. Not every recipe made will be a success, TRUST me. I've botched more meals than I care to mention. I have, however, learned from my mistakes and made lots of tasty goodness. Don't get discouraged, some recipes just suck to begin with.

  2. rarely anything turns out perfect the first time, I cook a lot of the meals for the family but it's taken a lot of failed "experiments" to understand how to do it. I enjoy cooking now, its rewarding to see my wife and daughter eating and enjoying something that I prepared for them.

  3. There is nothing you can do to NOT make brown rice and lentils look like barf. That is not a meal made for it's eye appeal. :-)

    The good news is your husband and personal chef is on his way back to you. He left me about 1:30 yesterday and headed to Pownal for his evening with Lee, Jamie and son. He'll be at the jetport this morning at 5:00 AM to head home. Thank you for sending him home for the visit Emily. It really was special having him here with Tim....
