Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Back

My lower back has been aching for the past couple of days but today, Jeremy and I went for a relaxing drive together and I thought I was going into labor! It hurt SOOOO bad. I was sweating and on the verge of crying! As soon as we got home and I got out of the car, my back felt much better. It still is hurting, but I took two Tylenol (I should take morphine!) and have been doing yoga stretches to try and ease the tension. I'll have to mention this to my doctor when I see him next Tuesday.

Krisha also has an appointment on Tuesday where she finds out the sex of the baby!! I can't wait!!

Jeremy and I had a great day today. We went grocery shopping but made the best of it. It was the first day in a while that hasn't been over 100 degrees so after dinner we took Parker out and let him run around the field. Jeremy took Zoey for a walk earlier in the day so don't feel bad for her. It was 87 degrees and Jeremy and I felt like it was fall! Really nice to have a slight break in the heat.

I'm reading a book right now and I'm at that point where I start to really get to know the author and dread finishing it. I'm about 3/4 the way through and I'm not looking forward to the 'break-up' once I finish it. The next book I'll read will be 'The Lord of the Flies'. I read it once back in 8th grade but I thought it might be a good read for the summer. The book I have now is called "Mozart in the Jungle" and although I hated it at first, I eventually came around. Makes me glad I'm not a professional musician though. The author is a failed professional oboist turned journalist because all the orchestra jobs dried out. Teaching is much more rewarding anyways, even though I get paid $60,000 less per year than the lowest paid member of the New York Philharmonic.

Anyone seen the commercial to "Zoosk"? It is a dating website and I hate the commercial for it. It makes me so angry! Also, what about that Dell commercial where they sing 'Lollipop'? Watch that commercial from the beginning and tell me what you think of the first 15 seconds. Pay attention to what is going on and see if you think the same thing I do. I hate that commercial too. Love Billy the Exterminator. Good show. Love hardworking Americans. Love Police Women of Memphis. Good show.

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