Friday, June 18, 2010

Now What?

Ok the summer music camp is over so the next thing on my list of summer to-do's is.....complete my inventory (I am the definition of a procrastinator), get my long term substitute packet ready so the sub won't mess up my program too bad, and then..........hmmm, I know something is coming up.....OH YEA! Have a baby :)

Today I had a stomach ache and I forgot how much I hate those. To me, a stomach ache is a fate worse than death. Jeremy hates headaches with a passion and I can't take stomach aches. While I was waiting for it to be over, I text Jeremy and said that if giving birth is anything like a stomach ache, then I will certainly opt for the epidural. Something tells me my threshold for pain is a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Jeremy is still in Maine and won't return until Monday. The good part is that he is spending time with his step brother Tim and relaxing. I think they are going golfing tomorrow which is cute (considering the last two times they got together they went to strip clubs.....bachelor parties). I hope they have good weather but even if they don't I know they will still have a great time.

You know me, I have to complain about something. The only thing with weekends is the TV. What is up with weekend TV? The worst. Also, David Hasslehoff is now on my soap opera. Come on Y&R, really?

Happy weekend everyone! It is now time that I lay down in my huge bed, all alone, except for the company of two cute puppies.


  1. if its intestinal instead of stomach, try something with peppermint in it, even if its just a candy. naturally soothes digestive tract.

  2. And now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!

  3. David Hasslehoff was the original "Snapper" on Y&R in 1972, I think. I noticed they reprised his role.
    Labor is more like a menstrual cramp that won't quit, rather than a stomachache.
    It was good to see Jeremy, he's so fit and handsome! Nora looked at him a lot, but wouldn't interact with him. She preferred to be coy and cute.
    Looks like you and Jeremy are well prepared for Ethan. A baby's immediate (sole) needs are:
    1. To be fed
    2. To be loved/held
    3. To be warm/cool
    4. To be comfortable
    I know you will love him, feed him, and keep him comfortable, even without all the cute and pricey things marketers want you to buy. You will be great parents, never doubt that!

  4. Libby, I love Sprockets! "Now what? Now we dance!"
