Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby Class

Jeremy and I are just getting back from an all day birthing and parenting crash course. It went from 8-4:30 and was very informative. My back was killing me through the whole thing, but thankfully the teacher gave us lots of breaks. There were 14 couples in our class which was kind of strange because I thought I was the first person to ever be pregnant or at least the only person pregnant in the Memphis area. It is strange to realize that there are 13 other carbon copies of Jeremy and Emily's.
Had a good day, learned a lot, super tired. Gonna watch tv and cuddle with Zoey.


  1. Did you end up with more questions than answers? I'm glad you got a lot from the class, now just practice relaxation and breathing and you'll be a rock star. I can't believe how close you are to being parents! Rent the Bill Cosby DVD about "natural childbirth," it's as funny now as it was 100 years ago!

  2. That is a long time to be practicing childbirth! I find it interesting that they put you through an all day class. We used to go for a couple of hours spread out over a few weeks. Yikes!

    Glad it was a good class. The breathing techniques will be surprisingly helpful.

    We are getting more and more excited as the big day approaches!
