Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm Trying!

Ok I'm trying not to complain of boredom since I know how lucky I am to have the summer off, but I can't help it! I'M BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've watered the flowers, I've brushed the dogs, I've played with the dogs, I already changed the sheets, the baby's room is immaculate, my car is already clean, the garbage is already taken out, I don't need anything at Target, I'm sick of my DS games, I have checked every one's status on facebook hundreds of times, Eric hasn't posted any new pics of Nora since the last hour I checked, the carpet need not be vacuumed AGAIN.............
I suppose I could start my sub packet for my maternity leave, train my dogs to massage my feet or bake something but I don't want to.
I think I am just a whiner in general and need to change my attitude asap. What can I do? So bored.


  1. Try experimenting with yummy whole foods, and create some amazing veggie dishes.

  2. Or you could practice waking up every hour.
