Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Answering My Mom's Questions

I'm upset because my company is leaving tomorrow :(

Ok my mom asked a few questions that I shall address to the best of my knowledge:
Q: Have you chosen a nursery theme?
A: See previous post, I'm thinking of going with the trees and birds

Q: If it is a boy, will you have him circumcised?
A: Yes.

Q: What are the top name choices so far?
A: For a boy, we both are favoring Ethan Michael Lapointe. We are not settled on any girl names although Jeremy loves Addison and I like Adeline.

Q: Who gets the final say on the name:
A: We both do. If we both don't agree on the name then we won't choose it. Isn't that normal?

Q: Natural, some meds, or epidural?
A: OMG Jeremy and I were viewing a sample birth plan and we got so overwhelmed with the choices! I was creeped out by a few choices (like, do you want the cord cut while still pulsating?) and we decided that we have a lot to discuss with the doctor! I want to pick up a book about labor so I can better educate myself because after reading that sample birth plan, I realized I don't know how much I don't know.

I'm going to get offline now because I want to snuggle with Libby on the couch and watch tv.

Oh, and to Cheryl: Yes we got a new couch and recliner. There is a store going out of business so we got a killer deal for the set and we are selling our old set. We will end up with a one hundred dollar loss in the end. I love not having to lint brush every day, the purchase was well worth it! Also, Jeremy is pretty pleased with his recliner as you can imagine.


  1. Glad to hear that the dog hair isn't adhering to the new living room set. It looks really nice and comfy...or was that just Libby classing it up? LOL!

    Ethan Michael is new I think. You had different names picked out before right? I still like Addison too....

    Sorry that Libby and Nick are heading out but your Dad and Patty will be there soon and then you will be home! :-)

    Love you!

  2. Considered banking the cord blood, or donating it? If so, look into that early...

    I agree with the circumcision decision, all the evidence in support of doing it seems much stronger than the arguments against. Sometimes it becomes medically necessary late in a man's life (like say 75) and it's a much more serious (and painful) procedure at that point.
