Sunday, January 17, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a little while but I've been busy with guests! Libby and Nick got here Friday afternoon and we have been having so much fun. I have been feeling great, except tired and a little car sick here and there. I need to remember to take pictures so I can post them on here. I love having guests, the worst part is when they leave.

For morning sickness, my former ob/gyn (seeing a new doctor for my next appointment because I wasn't thrilled with my current ob/gyn and also my insurance went from Blue Cross/Blue Shield to Cigna so that motivated my doctor change) prescribed promethazine. I took it once and felt the extreme side effects. Come to find out it is a very potent drug and I'm not going to take it anymore simply because honestly, I don't trust my former ob/gyn. I did some quick research on the drug and found out that it is 'ok' to take but still a class C drug. And of course, people at my work had something to say about this anti-nausea pill. That same quirky coworker told me that a girlfriend of hers took an anti-nausea pill and her baby was messed up. (Insert eye roll).

Took the dogs for a walk today with Libby, it was 61 degrees today and sunny. Parker was giving Libby such a hard time on the walk! He wanted to stop every second to pee on something, he was totally taking advantage of her kindness.

Oh gosh, Jeremy has taken Libby and Nick to all the nasty food places around here and I'm just expected to sit and watch them eat nasty southern food. Just kidding, I like going to those places. I actually really like Corky's BBQ because I get a big yummy salad there with a side of hushpuppies! Tonight we went to Gus's Fried Chicken and Libby was in chicken heaven. She said it was sooooo good. I got to try fried green tomatoes so that was cool.

Ok I must tend to my guests, and that consists of giving Libby an arm rub and then sharing the couch with her.
I have to get back to my guests! Lets hope my health stays great!


  1. I just told Norm last night that I bet Libby and Nick were there and that was why you hadn't been posting. I'm so happy that you have your sister visiting and you are all having a great time. I agree with Libby on Gus's Fried Chicken. We missed it last time we were down so I'll take my grandbaby there next time! LOL!

  2. I have a million questions for you, but I'll save them for March. I'm so glad you are having fun with Libby and Nick! Love you so much!

  3. Yea seriously, March is like a billion years away (and hyperbole is still the greatest thing ever).

    Glad to hear you're changing doctors, the one you had didn't sound very motivated to provide the care you need.
