Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Just getting home from work/school and its 5:13pm. Kind of a long day but we had a professional development session so I had to go to that.

A few quick notes:

*I have mice in my classroom. I went to sit down at my piano yesterday, and a big, brown, and greasy mouse ran across the music stand part of my piano! I screamed and then swore, loudly. Good thing I didn't have kids in the room!

*Weird things have been happening to me lately when it comes to my body. All of a sudden I'm allergic to my deodorant (which I have been using for quite some time now). My armpits are all rashy and hurt! Weird. Also too, bloody noses! My gosh, they are so frequent. I'm not sure if this is a winter thing or a pregnancy thing. It is not really out of character for me to get recurring bloody noses.

*Had a great day teaching today. I was really on my game today.

*Jeremy is gone to see that 3D Movie 'Avatar'. I told him a long time ago that he is not allowed to see movies alone since I always want to cry when I see someone alone at the movies. I hope he didn't go by himself! I know he's a big boy but that is just the saddest thing to me. But, there is no way I'm watching Avatar........not in 3D where people have reported getting motion sickness.

*Dogs are too cute right now, going to lay down and cuddle with them

*Officially 11 weeks pregnant now! :) Starting to show in my midsection, as my students keep reminding me ("ohhh Mrs. Lapointe you gettin' fat!").



  1. I know all these changes are annoying for the mommy-to-be, but I think it's fascinating! Glad you had a good day!

  2. BTW, Jack is the best boy's name in the world.

  3. men can go to movies alone, I used to do it all the time, and did so again for Star Trek. As long as it's not a romantic comedy or chick flick. Has to be sci fi or horror.

  4. Were you just surprised by the mouse or do they scare you? Good the kids weren't there, they would have discovered a weakness!
    Sorry about your armpits and nose.
    I understand totally about the going to the movie alone thing. It breaks my heart if I find out Nick has eaten by himself, like the time he went to Burger king and went in and ate his food there all alone. I think I'd die before letting him go to a movie by himself.

  5. let me just say that men and women are different. you guys use the bathroom together, everything for you is a communal experience, hence why you're all boo hoo for someone going to the movies by themselves. guys dont think like that. if we want to do something, we do it, we don't have to wait for someone else to join us, or care what other people think about it. geez. in fact, I think I might go to the movies this weekend. on a saturday night. by myself. like I once did the amusement park in Montreal. no one else wants to ride roller coasters? fine.

  6. no eric! erin, you can't let this happen!! Don't you like sharing experiences with other people?
