Monday, January 4, 2010


Just getting back from the first day back to school. I had a pretty good day teaching, but the hours of duties just dragged.......I hate lunch duty, outside duty, hall duty, outside duty again, blah blah blah. I enjoyed teaching though, I had complete control of my classes and made myself clear on my expectations.

However, after having a pretty good day, I'M EXHAUSTED! Head hurts, back hurts, had two nose bleeds today. Yuck, but I guess I'm just getting back into the swing of things :). My kids were so happy to see me but I was just so tired so I had to fake a quick smile. It is good to be back though.

On a BAD note, a few kids said I'm getting fat! Kids say the craziest things........


  1. Congratulations on getting through day one without hurling at the class honey! Now go take a nap. :-)

  2. Take good care of yourself, and enjoy the rest of the week!
